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Story Review of Alice in Wonderland

Characters: Alice, her sister, and all the other people and animals in Wonderland.

Setting: Outside in the garden.

Plot: Alice is led to an unknown world by a tunnel.

Genre: Fiction.


Alice in Wonderland is written by Lewis Carroll. It mainly talks about a girl called Alice who fell into a hole, and was led to an unknown place. There, she was trapped by the Queen, entered a mad tea party, played the most unique croquet in her life, and even got some advice from a caterpillar! She also ate some things that can allow her to change size and solve problems in order to quickly shoo, scram and get out of this place. She thinks she needs to get back home, or else her mom might be worried.

A friend in need is a friend indeed, so friendship is something we need to have in our life. Friends can help you celebrate good times and provide support during bad times. Friends prevent isolation and loneliness and give you a chance to offer needed companionship, too. In the book, Alice had some problems with some things, and the cat helped her to conquer it. The cat is like a friend to Alice, and can help her. A true friend supports and encourages us, tolerates our shortcomings, and helps us in many ways. If we don’t have a friend, we can make one and help each other. So, a friend is super important to all of us.

Everyone has troubles, so try conquering them with your own brain, not just movement. The purpose of thinking is to understand our world as best as possible. Our minds have evolved to think so that we can better adapt to our environment and make smarter decisions on how to survive, live, and flourish. In the book, Alice likes solving with her brain, but she asks sometimes, only a little bit. But when it comes to the queen, a sentence and movement will solve the problem. When we don’t think, our brain will be like a stone. We can’t think, can’t do smart things, but we can just walk around stupidly and do nothing. Therefore, think more by yourself, ask your parents and teachers less.

Care for others, don’t say bad words or try to hurt others’ feelings in some ways. Giving support to others out of choice leads to reduced stress, increased happiness, and an increased sense of social connectedness. In the book, the queen uses ad sentences and words. The words make others feel very bad, and they will be very angry and sad, just because of some bad words or sentences. Try to say some good and nice words to make others happy when they’re sad. We can also care for others and help them solve their difficulties. So, let us say more good, and say less bad to make the world a happier place.

In conclusion, we are people who know the difference between good or bad. We need to say good things more, and try to avoid saying as many bad words as we can. We need to help others when they have difficulties, we need to think with our own brain and try to solve problems, and we need to avoid bad things. We are the people who know good; we are the people who can be better in language, and we are the people who can make the world a better and happier place. Let us work together, my friends, be the good and avoid the bad!

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