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Story review of Alice in Wonderland

Characters: Alice, The White Rabbit, The Mouse, The Dodo, The Caterpillar, The Duchess, The Cheshire Cat, The Hatter, The March Hare, The Dormouse, The Queen of Hearts, The King of Hearts, The Knave of Hearts, The Gryphon, The Mock Turtle.

Setting: Wonderland

Plot: Alice saw a rabbit wearing a waistcoat and followed it down into a rabbit hole

Genre: Fiction

Perspective: Third person viewpoint

The story “Alice in Wonderland” Talks about a girl named Alice who saw a rabbit wearing a suit in a rush. With curiosity, she followed the rabbit and fell down a hole. She found herself in a big room filled with doors. She used a piece of cake to make herself bigger and a drink to make her small. She cried somehow and animals dropped in the hole. They worked together and got out of the hole. Alice saw a blue caterpillar who gave her pieces of a mushroom to make Alice big and small. She got in a house, in a castle, met friends, and ended up in church where soldiers pounced on her. She then found out that everything was just a dream.

Curiosity is one of the things God gave us to explore the world with our minds, but curiosity could sometimes lead to things you won’t expect. Universally, curiosity tends to be seen as a blessing—but, it can also be a curse. All too often, we seek out information or misguided adventures to satisfy our curiosity without considering the consequences of doing so. In the story, Alice saw the rabbit wearing a waistcoat, and Alice’s curiosity got the best of her. Without even thinking, Alice followed the rabbit into the rabbit hole. Think before you act and act on what you believe. We won’t end up like Alice if we did think about the consequences of our actions in the future. So, we should ignore the things you think might lead you to bad things.

When you are kind to others, it not only changes you, it changes the world. Kindness is one of the most important things we need in our lives. Kindness is a magical gift that we share among each of us with hugs, high fives, kisses, and even more. We understand feelings and how each of us feel. In the story, Alice met the duchess and the cook who are trying to kill an innocent baby. The cook made the baby sneeze and throw plates at him. Alice saved the baby and set him free. That shows empathy and kindness in Alice. The other great gift of human beings is that we have the power of empathy, we can all sense a mysterious connection to each other. Everyone is a small bean, and one of the beans spreads a happy feeling to others, that is kindness.

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. Controlling your strong feelings is really hard for some people (Especially the very sensitive people). Peace is what people need. In the story, The mouse loses his temper and patience on Alice, so he stomps away. The pigeon sees this and tells its baby to control its temper when it gets upset. If the mouse keeps being angry, he will be upset all day and ruin his day. Peace is what people need when things get hard. People could just grab a piece of paper and crumble it, rip it, and do anything with it until they have been calmed down. So, People should try some strategies to calm down when we have feelings that are hard to control.

This story tells us three things: Curiosity could sometimes make you lead to something you won’t expect, Kindness is valued and main in our lives, and Holding your temper is helpful to you. Alice in Wonderland is a fantastic story. It was written by the Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, using the pseudonym Lewis Carroll (1832-1898). It turns out that everything a child dreams is magical and mythical, but one thing they will know is that a dream could be opposite compared to reality. Alice had an amazing adventure in “Wonderland”. Even if it’s a bad dream or a good dream, we would still wake up and find out it’s not real.

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