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Story Review of A Mason-Dixon Memory

The book "A Mason-Dixon Memory", written by Clifton Davis is a nonfiction memoir, using the writing skills of “flashback”, to tell two real stories about racial discrimination and how people react to it. Clifton recalled his childhood memory when Dondré Green, an 18-year-old African American high school senior from Monroe, Louisiana, was interviewed on the TV for an incident where the golf team of his school didn't participate in a golf tournament because the tournament didn't allow colored people. Dondré was furious and so did his white golf teammates. The team decided to stand by Dondré by not competing in that tournament because of the racism the tournament showed to Dondré. Dondré's story reminded Clifton of his childhood memory. There was a field trip, and he told his mother immediately. His mother didn't have enough money, so Clifton earned money by himself. Finally, he had the money and went on the field trip. He was the only African American student, he didn't feel not included. One of the places they visited was the Glen Echo Amusement Park, and they didn't allow African Americans, so Clifton was very sad. But the students stood up for him and they didn't go at all. They instead went to a baseball game. Both stories from Clifton Davis and Dondré Green make people aware of issues about racism and segregation, friendship, and the way to find justice in a predominantly unjust place.

Racial discrimination is an awfully unfair and wrong attitude, limiting the rights of another person based on the color of their skin. Racial discrimination is carried out by segregation, an action to separating people physically and socially in activities or facilities based on the skin of the color. Clifton was restricted from entering Glen Echo Amusement Park because the park back then was only for the whites and Clifton was African American. Similarly, Dondré was prohibited to attend the golf tournament because the tournament was “Whites Only”. Both stories clearly point out the inhuman attitude of racism and merciless action of segregation: colored people are discriminated against and segregated in every way of their daily life. Black people are not allowed to go to school, park, restaurants, or hotels, take the bus, or attend some competitions while white people could. Racism is a vast field. Many people have tried to reform it, as the race that is being discriminated against is always changing, such as one time it was African Americans, then it was Chinese, and then women. Even today, racism is not ruled out. Racism and segregation are undoubtedly unfair and should be stopped because they not only take away the basic right of being a human and a citizen but also hurt the colored people’s feelings of self-esteem. Everyone is born to be equal and should be treated fairly with respect.

Friendship, which is powerful and precious, makes life with happiness, cheers people up when feeling down, and helps to solve problems. A true friend would be willing to risk their opportunities of being famous or getting benefits to do some extraordinary actions or decisions for supporting his friends when they are in a difficult situation. When Clifton learned he was not allowed to go inside Glen Echo Amusement Park, his friends decided to stay with him rather than going to the park to show their support toward Clifton. Dondré, who was rejected by the golf tournament, received the same reaction from his friends. They stand by Dondré by not continuing playing the golf tournament. Both stories also clearly point out the importance of having friends: friends can understand the struggles their friends are facing and stay with them against those who are trying to hurt them. A true friend will help his people in any time of need. He always shows his support and sympathy as well as encourages his friends during hardship. He will try his very best to the fullest to back up his people, even though that might cost his chances of receiving great things. Well-developed friendship is needed for everyone because it provides support to help people get through the sad and difficult moments.

Colored people and others have been fighting for freedom to end unjust racism since the world still runs with racial discrimination. People should unite together to stop the improper phenomenon of racism by changing their thoughts and beliefs toward colored people and treating colored people with fairness, kindness and respect. Dondré fought for freedom by giving a speech with an intention of changing people’s views toward colored people. People around Dondre Green walk off the golf tournament and people around Davis Clifton take actions of not visiting Glen Echo Amusement Park to stop racism. Citizens of the world should say “stop” to unjust racial discrimination for colored people and take some brave actions to fight against it. It is not healthy for people to live in a society full of prejudice. In the past people had fought back racial discrimination by using weapons, but that did not work well because many people sacrificed their lives. To successfully ease racial discrimination among different races, each single person should use civilized words and actions with kindness, respect and courage. With more and more people joining the change, the idea of terminating racism would spread the world and one day the dream of “colored” people being born with equal rights would come true. To stop this inhuman racism, people should say NO, change their attitudes and perspectives toward colored people, and use kindness, respect, and fairness to treat colored people.

The story “A Mason-Dixon Memory” is an enlightening story, raising awareness about racism in the world. The Mason-Dixon line is the line separating free Pennsylvania from segregated Maryland. The author uses this line to symbolize freedom for colored people. From the past unfair treatment of Dondré and the flashback of Clifton’s early childhood, people are able to see how people of color were treated during the time of segregation. The author also presents three themes: racism and segregation, friendship, and ways for fighting racism. Racism and segregation are inhuman attitudes and actions toward colored people, not only limiting their social rights but also hurting their feelings of self-esteem. The power of friendship could bring support, encouragement, and comfort to colored people, especially when they are struggling in some challenging situations. All citizens of the world should work together to stop the unjust racism by doing or saying something with kindness, respect, and courage to change how people view colored people. Racism is still an existing social problem. Every single person taking one small step would accumulate a big strength to fight against racism.

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