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Story Review of A Castle on Viola Street

A Castle on Viola Street is written by DyAnne DiSalvo. It mainly talks about a boy who thinks their house is too small and they need a bigger one, so she saw this advertisement that said if someone volunteered, any house could be rebuilded. When they saw this advertisement, they started to volunteer and build houses for the people in their city. After it was built, they said it just looked like big buildings in the middle of a street! Their city was thriving.

Someday things will change around the place where we live, or any things that we need to face. Things are not always the same, so they gotta be changed. In the book, the boy saw an advertisement and told those words on the ad to his mother. His mother said things were going to change around their city, so that’s why he saw those ads. I believe that changing things into something new is important, because when we use old things for a long time, they will eventually become unusable. Therefore, changes in our life are not really bad because it’s normal.

Some poor families are rich in more ways that they can count, because they are rich in the emotional bond between the family members. We can be rich in family love, happiness and more. In the book, the boy’s mom just said that because their family is rich in those things. They are like a group which has never fallen apart because they have the emotional bond in their hearts. I believe that the poor families can say they are rich, because some rich families don't have love and care like the poor families. Therefore, the rich people are not actually rich and the poor people are not actually poor.

Sometimes new things are hard to get used to and people are slow to change themselves because of different ways of thinking about a similar topic. We all think differently and that’s ok, because nobody will think alike with another person. That likelihood only is about 20~30 % of the time. In the book, the boy’s neighbors and some other people just think their idea is ridiculous. But, some people proved that it was not and let all those people believe it can be done. I believe that if we tell those people nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it, then lots of people will believe us. If it’s no use then show them that it’s achievable. So, as a proverb says, nothing is unachievable, as you put your heart into it.

Being little is no excuse to pitch in, pitching in is just a lame excuse for not doing the things you don’t want to do. You can do that thing, it’s just that you need some help, that’s all. In the book, the boy’s mom just said that to the little sister to make her get working and not be lazy. So, the sister ended up squeezing fresh lemons to make lemonade for us to drink, and she finally got the idea that everyone needed to do something, not just sit there and do nothing. I believe that if you are lazy all the time, then you will be lazy forever, and that will also cause other’s first impression on you to become bad. Therefore, get up and do not ever be lazy.

Big dreams are built little by little by any person who has a dream, and we are just making a start of this dream. If you have a dream, then you gotta put effort into it, ‘cause dreams are not like you can just say it and your dream will come true, it’s not like that. In the book, when all of these people help to build new houses, then they are one step closer to their dream. Their dream is to make the city thrive, and they’ve already done a part of it. I believe that if we work together, finally, we can make this dream come true again. Therefore, another heart to support, another step into making the dream come true.

In conclusion, all these five key sentences teach us each a moral. The more we gain, the smarter we’ll be. But, if we don’t gain these morals, then we won’t learn anything and we will unfortunately become stupid. After all, being smart needs a lot of practice and experience. If you don't do those things, then you might never become smart. All in all, I really recommend this book to you because I hope that you gain a lot from it.

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