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Story Review of A Castle on Viola Street

The story A Castle on Viola Street, written by DyAnne DiSalvo, is a realistic fiction article. It talks about a poor family who wants a better home than an apartment on Emerald Street. It is a small place to live for them. Although the family was very poor, they lived mentally happily. One day, they saw a paper showing that an organization buys empty houses and fixes them up like new. This organization makes people fix other people’s houses, so then others would fix your house. The family bought an empty house. Their house is on the waiting list. They fixed other's house with many other neighbours. After four months the house looks beautiful just like a new one should be. The Trans’s family moved in. One day, their house will be fixed next spring. The family was very excited. In the winter the little boy made a birdhouse for her mother. Her mother was more than pleased about that.

Someday things will change around here. Encouraging people to work towards a better future by acknowledging where the current situation is not ideal will make hope for improvement. It emphasizes the importance of hope, perseverance, and taking action to create meaningful changes. In the story, even though they are poor, the father had a big hope by telling the moral to his son – “Someday things will change around here”. The father believes that positive change is possible despite their current circumstances. He is instilling hope in his son and encouraging him to work towards a better future. The phrase implies that the father is not resigned to their current situation and believes that they can improve their lives. It is a message of optimism and perseverance in the face of difficulty. Hope, perseverance, and taking action are crucial for creating meaningful changes and inspiring a better future.

Our family is rich in more ways than we can count. Wealth can come in many forms beyond just material possessions, encouraging people to appreciate non-monetary aspects of their lives, cultivate gratitude and contentment, and look beyond material wealth to find fulfillment and happiness. In the story, the boy’s mother works part-time in a bakery. When the boy is sad because their family is poor and others are richer and have much better houses, that’s when his mother would hug him and say the moral – “Our family is rich in more ways than we can count. This moral of the story is to appreciate non-monetary aspects of life, like love and family, which are more valuable than material possessions. It encourages gratitude and contentment, leading to greater happiness and fulfillment. It emphasizes the importance of appreciating non-monetary aspects of life for greater happiness and fulfillment.

Anyone who wants to can help. It’s called volunteering. Volunteering is an act of giving one's time and skills to help others without any expectation of payment or reward. It can take many forms, such as working at a soup kitchen, tutoring children, or visiting the elderly. Volunteering not only benefits the recipients of the help, but also the volunteers themselves by providing a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Anyone can make a difference through volunteering, no matter their age, background, or skill set. In the story, many people helped to fix and build the house of the Tran’s family. Some are in the organization but many are only volunteers. No matter their ages and origins, everybody helps. Volunteering is a powerful force that can bring people of all ages and backgrounds together to help those in need. It shows that anyone can make a difference through volunteering, and that it doesn't necessarily require being part of an organization or having a certain skill set. In conclusion, volunteering is a powerful and inclusive way for anyone to make a difference, regardless of their age, background, or skill set. It brings people together, fosters a sense of purpose and fulfillment, and allows individuals to help others selflessly.

Sometimes new things are hard to get used to and people are slow to change. Human tendency to resist change. Often, it is easier to stick with what we know and are comfortable with, rather than taking on something new and unfamiliar. However, it is important to recognize that change is a necessary part of growth and progress. By embracing new ideas and experiences, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and possibilities. It may take time and effort to adapt, but the benefits of stepping outside our comfort zone can be immense. In the story, some residents aren’t happy with this project. They find it too loud, noisy, and shameful living next door. However, the boy’s father tells him the moral – “Sometimes new things are hard to get used to and people are slow to change. The father's advice encourages the boy to be patient and understanding towards those who may resist change. By recognizing that change can be difficult, the boy can approach the situation with empathy and an open mind, ultimately leading to a more positive outcome for everyone involved. Change can be challenging, but embracing new ideas and experiences leads to growth and progress. By being patient and understanding, we can navigate through difficulties and create positive outcomes.

Being little is no excuse not to pitch in. Everyone, regardless of their age or size, can make a difference by contributing to their community. Children can take on responsibilities and help out in various ways, which can help them develop important skills and a sense of pride. By participating in community efforts, children can learn the value of teamwork and feel more connected to those around them. In the story, even the boy’s sisters were still too young to help with all the construction and that is when the mother told everybody the moral – “Being little is no excuse not to pitch in.” Therefore, she made them to make fresh lemonade for everyone. The mother's lesson teaches the children that even if they are too young to contribute in the same way as adults, they can still make a difference by doing what they can. By taking on responsibilities and pitching in, children can learn important life skills and develop a sense of pride and accomplishment. Sooner or later, everyone has something to offer, no matter how big or small their contribution may be. Everyone, regardless of age or size, can contribute to their community. The story highlights that even young children can make a difference by taking on responsibilities and participating in community efforts, fostering a sense of pride and connection.

Big dreams are built little by little, and we are making a start. While it may be tempting to focus on the end result, it is the daily actions and habits that ultimately lead to success. By breaking down our goals into smaller, more manageable tasks, we can build momentum and make progress over time. Additionally, taking small steps can help us stay motivated and avoid becoming overwhelmed by the enormity of our dreams. In the story the family wanted a house of their own for a long time. They fixed and fixed other’s houses, waited and waited for their house to be constructed. When the little boy was asking when the organization will repair their house, his father said – “Big dreams are built little by little, and we are making a start.” One day, the workers announced that it was their turn, and the family was happy. Big dreams are achieved by taking small steps and making consistent progress.

In summary, "A Castle on Viola Street" by DyAnne DiSalvo is a captivating story that captures the essence of hope, gratitude, and the power of community. Through the Tran family's journey, readers are reminded of the significance of appreciating the intangible riches in life and finding contentment amidst challenging circumstances. The book beautifully showcases the impact of volunteering and how individuals of all ages and backgrounds can come together to make a difference. Additionally, it highlights the importance of embracing change and being patient with those who may struggle to adapt. Lastly, the story emphasizes the significance of taking small steps towards achieving big dreams and the sense of accomplishment that comes with perseverance. "A Castle on Viola Street" serves as a timeless reminder that hope, gratitude, and collective effort can bring about transformative changes, no matter how humble the beginnings may be.

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