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Story review for Click, Clack, Moo Cows that Type

Characters: Farmer Brown, Hens, Cows and Ducks

Setting: Farm

Plot: Cows and Hens need blankets, they type a note to Farmer Brown.

Genre: Fiction

This story is written by Doreen Cronin, it talks about the Cows like to type. The Cows and Hens type to Farmer Brown because they are cold at night, so they need electric blankets. Farmer Brown rejects so the Cows and Hens go on strike. There are no milk and eggs on the farm. So Farmer Brown has to agree, but soon the Ducks want to have the same thing. This story teaches us three things.

If we want people to treat us nicely, we should treat people nicely too. People like being fair. In the beginning Farmer Brown is furious with the animals so the animals go on strike. There are no eggs and milk. So Farmer Brown needs to agree. This teaches us if we want to be treated well we need to be good to people too.

Two brains are better than one brain. Working together is more powerful to get what we want. In the story the Cows and Hens work together on strike and get what they want. If they do not work together then they will not have the electric blankets from Farmer Brown. I have learned that working together is better than working alone.

If we want to exchange something we need to be fair. Because everyone want to exchange only the things that they want. In the story, the Ducks do not have anything to bargain with Farmer Brown, Also, the Ducks do not have a partner to bargain together with Farmer Brown. I learned that before we exchange for something we need to know what we can offer to people first.

I learned that we need to be good to people then people will be good to us too. Then I know that working together is important. Last, I know that we need to give something when we exchange someone. I like this story, do you like it?

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