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Start Your Own Business?

There are lots of people who want to be a boss or a leader of a company. And most of them, especially children, start the business small when they’re young. Starting a business usually gives a chance to them to support causes on things they care about. Starting a business might be a good chance that will let you make more money and have an opportunity to change people’s lives. Some people might think it’s really good to start a business, and this will be a memorable experience for them. However, instead of starting a business themselves, some people prefer to join a company and work as a staff.

Starting a business may let you have an experience that you will definitely remember and earn more money than just being a staff, but it’s also not that relaxed. Many people think that if you become a boss or a leader of a company, you’ll be relaxed and free, which means you can go to work whenever you want. However, the truth is, even when you become a boss, you might be freer than the staff but are not that free or relaxed. With great power comes great responsibility. Starting a business is not easy. You need to care a lot about the company’s finances, the employees, and many other problems. This might be a hard thing to get on with. It’s quite obvious that you can make more money if you start a business than work for a company. And this is mostly the main reason why most people want to start a business.

However, joining a company and just working as staff will probably not earn that much money compared to a boss, but they also don’t need to care for some other things that the boss needs to consider and has less pressure on the company too. Joining a company and just working as a staff member has a more stable income than starting a business because you will usually get the same amount of money every month but the income of running a business is fluctuating. Also, there are risks that the business will go bankrupt, and a boss needs to be worried about this, but as a staff, you don’t need to. You just need to do what you should do. On the other hand, working as staff sometimes the income isn’t enough to spend so you need to calculate how much you will cost and must be sure that you can afford the things that you need.

In my opinion, I prefer to start a business by myself since I think it has more benefits than working as a staff even though it’s more stable. Starting a business can be easier to achieve the desire in your life. Also, starting a business usually gives us a chance to support causes on things that we usually care about. This can help to make our life more convenient and better quality since people are starting a business on a new product that will improve a similar product or develop a new thing like Robert Nay who pored over some tech books and wrote thousands of lines of code to make a new game to play. Also, when you start a business and run a company, you make another opportunity for others to find a job then fewer people will be unemployed. Even if it’s a high-risk thing to try, I think it’s still a precious and memorable experiment in your life.

To conclude, both starting a business and joining a company and working as staff all have different benefits that will make people achieve their aspirations. Some people are likely to try to start their own business not just because they can earn more money but also want to make people’s life better and more convenient, and also help more people to get a job to make sure their basic life. Besides, some people are more likely to join a company and work as a staff because the staff has a stable income every month most of the time so they don’t have to sometimes have a lot of income and sometimes no income. However, to start a business or work as a staff mostly depends on what you think about them.

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