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Start Your Own Business?

Now, not only adults are making money, but more teenagers and children are gradually becoming “entrepreneurs”. Those people are trying to use their creativity, passion and knowledge to start their own businesses. There is a girl called Lily, her grandfather has got Parkinson's disease which made his hand unsteady, that made him spill drinks many times. Lily made herself an inventor and designed a three - legged cup. When she was sixteen, she sold ten thousand of her inventions and made money. Robert Nay, a game developer, found himself interested in programming games during grade eight. He spent most of his time writing the code and using what was available for him, his game Bouncing Angry Birds became the most downloaded free game in the Apple App Store. They were so young when they made themselves a boss, a developer and an inventor. Also, being a boss is a two – sided thing.

For the young teenagers, being a boss and having their own business can help them to increase their financial management concepts and skills. It is necessary and imperative for the young teenagers to practice their financial skills and how to manage their money. For example, the final price of their product should contain the prime cost and profit price. Financial skills are important to know, because it helps for the future businesses when they are older. After they have the basic knowledge on financial management and skills, they will get benefits from that knowledge after they go into the society and find work. Being a boss can also exercise their time management skills. Because for a boss, they have more responsibilities, which means that they have more things to do, and they have to be efficient to do all those tasks. Because they are young, they need to spend their time averagely on their school homework and their own business. Though it is quite challenging, it is a good chance to exercise different skills.

Even though some teenagers and children are making money and being the boss, which seems very intelligent, they are still young and lack of experience. For them, they still have things they were confused about when they were developing their products. Every time they are figuring out their products, they have put a lot of time into it. But actually, it has a risk. Because of the lack of experiences they had, they might fail on their invention or design, and their previous efforts were likely to be in vain. And the lack of experiences will increase the probability of failure. Failure is another problem of teenagers and children being a boss and having their own businesses. Whether they have the ability to accept their failure is a problem. They are young, and their emotions will be more obvious and pronounced than the adults. What an entrepreneur should do is to adjust themselves quickly and try to fix their problem.

Personally, I believe that it is a good choice for teenagers and children to start their own business and be a boss. First of all, it is important for them to strengthen their perseverance. When a project starts, it is not ideal to stop it, and a boss should be able to finish their project, even though they might meet some difficulties. And this is another skill that they can improve which is to solve the difficulties by themselves. Also, being a boss can develop their creativity. Creativity is very essential especially for a developer. To find inspiration, the developer has to be observant, they have to know how to observe the things around them, and then develop the products according to the needs. Time management, financial skills, perseverance and creativity are all the elements a boss should have, and those are practical for the teenagers and children to pave the way for their future.

In conclusion, more teenagers and children are gradually becoming “entrepreneurs”. Those people are trying to use their creativity, passion and knowledge to start their own businesses. They were so young when they made themselves a boss, a developer and an inventor. For the young teenagers, being a boss and having their own business can help them to increase their financial management concepts and skills. It is necessary and imperative for the young teenagers to practice their financial skills and how to manage their money. Even though some teenagers and children are making money and being the boss, which seems very intelligent, they are still young and lack experience. Personally, I believe that it is a good choice for teenagers and children to start their own business and be a boss. Time management, financial skills, perseverance and creativity are all the elements a boss should have, and those are practical for the teenagers and children to pave the way for their future.

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