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Start Career as a Boss or a Staff? (Staff)

The dream of becoming the CEO of a big company with a lot of money is one that many people and children have at least once in their lifetime, but is it always the best option? Is it better to be a staff first? It is honestly better to have experience being a staff before becoming a boss. There are a lot of people in this world who want to be boss right away, but how can they be boss without experience as an employee? It is more risky for a boss to start a company than for a staff member to lose their job. Based on research for a website called Zenbuiness Inc., it is easier to be a staff first before starting your own business. In the beginning, many people think that having employees working for them and having money, a steady job, etc, will make their life so much easier. However, they don't realize the high risk of the unconstant income and the high risk of becoming bankrupt. In the future development of becoming a boss, having the perspective and experience of an employee will be helpful.

Almost all successful bosses today started right aways as a successful boss, most of them have once been an employee. Almost none of the really successful Ceo we know today haven’t started from scratch either working in a small company, or even as waiters or waitresses. No one knew that an 18 year old young adult was going to be the founder of amazon as an example. Even though Jeff Bezos worked in a McDonalds when he was younger, it didn’t mean and have never meant that he couldn’t be successful. Elon Musk hasn't always been the founder of Tesla, he has once been a boiler room cleaner, whose salary was only 18$ per hour. Having these small jobs have taught them to be hard working, without these small jobs they might not be as successful as they are today. Not everything comes first try, it is better to start small with small jobs as staff, and then grow into big successful companies to become the ceo.

Being a staff before becoming a boss is also a privilege because one can have more time to prepare what is needed while earning money. There will be paperwork that needs to be handed in before, but without a job there won’t be money, if there isn't any money how can you start your business. At least nine fundamental legal documents that are needed based on the canada law, but not only do you have documents to submit you also might need extra money for the business in case the business isn’t gaining but losing. BLS has shown that around 20% of the new businesses fail in the first 2 years, then 45% in the first 5 years. There are a lot of risks that are loose for one if they start as boss, whereas starting as a staff they have more experience and they have more time to prepare to become boss. As George Eliot, a novelist, has said “it is never too late to start a business.” One thing to remember when deciding if you should start as staff or boss, is that it is never too late to start a business. Not everyone started a business when they were young, Sam Walton opened the first Walmart at age 44! No one should feel they need to rush when they are starting a new business.

Becoming a boss first has so much pressure, unlike if you were to be a staff first. A boss has so many more risks, unlike staff. Of course, staff also have risks like losing their job, but if you compare losing their job and being able to register for another job or losing their business and all money that was invested in the company. Based on, depression and anxiety are more common among bosses, yet on the other hand, staff have less pressure. There is also more work as a boss, CEOs work an average of 62.5 hours per week, sometimes even 80 hours per week which is around 8-9 hours per day yet most staff work around 4-5 hours per day without extra work. Not only do CEOs work more on a daily basis, they also have higher risk of losing more.

Before becoming a staff, you should not try to be a boss, there are multiple reasons that support my point. First, it is very rare for a successful boss to begin their career as a successful boss right away. All successful bosses have been employees at some point. Having more time to prepare what is required when you are a staff before becoming a supervisor is also a privilege. There are far more privileges of becoming a staff before being a boss, if you have a staff point of view, you will know how your staff will want to be treated. Bosses also have much more pressure and likelihood of falling into depressions. For all of these reasons, being a boss before a staff member is not the most reasonable idea.

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