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Start Career as a Boss or a Staff? (boss)

When getting to how one should start their job, there are a few sides. While many people start their job as an employee or staff, some others prefer to start as the boss and start their businesses. When one starts as an employee, they work for a boss and sometimes gradually get promoted to higher and higher levels. When one starts a business as a boss or entrepreneur, their small business grows bigger and bigger. Balancing the advantages and disadvantages of being a staff or a boss, being a boss is a better way to start.

As a boss, one can have a lot more power than the staff and be able to choose one’s schedule and ideas. Having more control is a very useful feature as a boss: one can choose what time they work, fire staff, and make their own choices on business problems. However, if one is a staff, they must follow the boss’ choice, which can arouse a big problem later on. Staff must follow their boss’ schedule, so if one has an urgent emergency and must take several days off, they might not be able to do that. A boss, however, has the power to change their schedule however they want. An employee also has a big risk to get fired from their job, while a boss will never get fired and is the person to choose who to fire. In many jobs like designing and marketing and more, having the power to choose one’s own ideas can be very useful. For example, if a boss is choosing wallpaper and chooses a not-so-good-looking color theme, the staff must go along with it, even if their opinion is different. While a boss might have over 75% to 80% of power in the business, a single staff might only have at most 3% of the leftover power. That leaves them with little power over the business. A boss has much more power than a staff, which could be very useful in the future.

A boss has much more income, in other words, money or salary, than a normal staff. While a boss has a lot of salary per week or month, an employee would get a lot less than the boss. For example, Bill Gates has a yearly income of over 4 billion US dollars, while at most, his employees get a yearly income of 267 thousand US dollars. This creates a large difference of 3999733 thousand US dollars. When we are starting a business, we all want more money, and being a boss gives us the exact things we want. When one just starts running a business, one might not get a yearly salary of three million at the very start. However, one must be patient, and soon, one’s business could blow off the ceiling. At that time, one doesn’t even need to work very hard to get a lot of money because of the perseverance one spent earlier, when the business was just small. Bill Gates didn’t become a billionaire just when he started Microsoft, but he is now, after years of hard work. As a staff, having the exact same salary every month or year does not mean a good thing, because one cannot get more salary; it only prevents one from getting a lower salary. As a boss, however, one can get more and more yearly income instead of being stuck on the exact same salary. While an employee has a normal set of income, a boss can have a lot more salary and money.

A whole business can include many topics, and while a single staff might only be working on one topic, a boss could learn more and have more experience about all of the topics. Running a company can teach one about all the topics the company includes; it is a great feature to learn and work simultaneously and not waste any time! Also, this feature could be very useful in the future. For example, if one loses interest in one topic or fails in one topic, one could still choose to work on another topic. That would be very easy for one, as one might already have this type of experience and already know much about the topic as a boss earlier. Pentagram is a famous design studio that consists of many different main designing categories: exterior design, interior design, graphics and identity, strategy and positioning, products and packaging, exhibitions and installations, websites and digital experiences, and more, which is about 18 categories in total. As a staff, one might only work on one category, such as strategy and positioning, while the boss would know and learn about all of these 18 categories. While the staff is still working on strategy and positioning, they might not know that they are even more gifted in the form of exhibitions and installations. A boss controls all the topics in a business or company, knows all about these categories, and is very experienced on all topics.

When one starts working, many are unsure whether to start as a boss or a staff member. While many might choose to start as a staff, starting as a boss is better. A boss has a lot of power over the company, meaning that a boss controls everything around there. The schedule, meetings, ideas, decisions, hiring and firing staff, and a lot more are all for the boss to choose. Staff doesn’t have as much power to do that. A boss also has a lot more income than the staff. While the staff might have enough salary to live a comfortable life, a boss has a fortune more than an employee. A whole company consists of many topics, and the boss knows them all. A boss can work, make money, and learn all at the same time using this feature! Balancing all the pros and cons, odds and ends, starting as a boss is more beneficial.

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