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Should We Choose to Go to the Moon Now?

Global warming, melting glaciers, holes in the ozone layer, and frequent earthquakes and tsunamis have all threatened the safe survival of human beings on earth. Now, human beings must act to find another planet suitable for human habitation. Visiting and living on another planet sounds incredible, but humans will face many problems: the distant interstellar distance, the water, and oxygen that human beings cannot live without, the special environment of different planets, etc. Mars migration can be said to be a hot topic in recent years, but the difficulty of Mars migration is too high after all. In contrast, the moon humans have landed on seems to be a better choice for people. "It's an opportunity for humans to establish a permanent presence off Earth – a moon base for scientists or a colony for all of humanity." said the power division chief at NASA Johnson Space Center.

One of the great advantages of emigrating to the moon is that there are a lot of water resources on the moon and there is a large amount of oxygen on the surface of the moon. In the past, scientists believed that the moon was completely dry. But later research found that there was an amazing amount of water on the moon's surface. NASA found through exploration that although the mass of the moon cannot form an atmosphere, there is still a lot of oxygen on the moon, which can make 8 billion people consume only 100000 years! According to NASA, because the moon itself has no atmosphere, the oxygen on the moon does not traditionally exist in the atmosphere, but widely exists in the rocks and fine dust layers of the lunar weathering layer, and the content is very rich. If these oxygen gasses can be successfully extracted, the oxygen used for human respiration will be solved. Moreover, NASA has sent a lunar probe to sample and study lunar rock samples. Once a method that can utilize oxygen in rocks is found, lunar migration will be very likely.

On the other hand, there are benefits to going back to the moon. "There is a lot of good science on the moon that we've only scratched the surface on," said former astronaut Tom Jones. More importantly, with the experience of astronauts who have successfully landed on the moon before, if we choose to go to the moon again now, we will have the conditions to further explore the moon. If humans go to the moon now, scientists may find other scarce energy resources on the moon, such as natural gas and mineral resources. In addition, the moon is the planet closest to the Earth.Astronauts can successfully land on the moon in the least amount of time, and can spend more time to further explore the mysteries of the moon.

Furthermore, going to the moon for exploration is safer and more economical than going to Mars now. Many scientists believe that Mars may be more suitable for human habitation, they even believe that there are other life forms on Mars, so many scientists suggest exploring Mars. But due to the weak economy, NASA's ambitious moon-to-Mars plans are put on hold. That’s because Mars is far away from Earth. It takes about half a year to go to Mars and only a few days to go to the moon. This means that astronauts need to prepare more materials and spend more time and money. And is the value of Mars exploration worth taking such risks and spending so much money, scientists have been constantly arguing. Therefore, the wisest way is to set up an air station on the moon now, and waiting for mature opportunities, go to Mars from the moon air station, which is safe and efficient, and saves time and cost. However, the most important thing right now is to go to the moon and set up an air station.

In conclusion, people cannot passively wait until the earth is completely unfit for human habitation to take action. Now we should choose to go to the moon and explore the moon for habitation. Compared with other distant planets, the moon already has important living conditions for people, such as oxygen and water, and is close to the earth, short in time and fuel consumption, so it will be the best choice for humans to land on. Moreover, on the basis of NASA's successful experience in landing on the moon, what is more, the distance between the moon and the earth can allow people to frequently travel between the moon and the earth. So I think it is a safe and economical choice for mankind to explore other planets in outer space to set up an air station on the moon now. Maybe one day people will be able to settle on the moon and migrate to other planets, which once only existed in people's imagination.

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