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Should the government send people to the moon again?

NASA does not have enough money to fly back from the moon. The U.S astronauts have not gone there since 1972, it is too expensive. The government’s decision to return to the moon. There was a speech delivered by the U.S. President John F. Kennedy on September 12, 1962 called We Choose to Go to the Moon. He needs public support for his proposal to land a man on the moon. People at the time were concerned and frightened about the cost and value of the moon landing effort. But the speech caused a good response and is still remembered today. NASA desperately needs money to launch rockets into outer space. That's why the president made a request to give them some funds. Let them successfully launch the rocket. The government made the decision to give money to NASA so that they can fly back from the moon. Government invests to support NASA, so they can research the moon. 

Exploring the moon is not just for science but also for technological and economic value. People can learn about the moon better by exploring it. There are also many resources on the moon that people can expand. Earth's closest celestial neighbor is the moon. Studying it can provide valuable insights into the formation and evolution of our solar system. By exploring and understanding the moon's geology, composition and history, scientists can better understand other celestial bodies and their development. In the past 50 years, NASA has been sending people to the moon under the Artemis program to look for resources. They found some highly valuable minerals and compounds that are very expensive on earth, but economically viable to mine on the moon. Besides, NASA and ISRO co-discovered water ice on the Moon’s poles. Lunar ice can provide water to drink, air to breathe, and a source of propellant for spaceships to fuel up and head out. By sending astronauts to the moon, people can develop and refine technologies, spacecraft, and procedures necessary for longer-duration missions.

The Moon is not suitable for people to live on, so people started a Mars plan. Mars represents a potential future habitat for human beings other than Earth. To establish human presence on Mars would not only serve as a backup in case of catastrophic events on Earth. Mars also may have resources that could be utilized for sustaining future human missions. For example, there is evidence of water ice on Mars, which could potentially be extracted and used for drinking, agriculture, and the production of rocket propellant. Accessing and using local resources on Mars would significantly reduce the cost and dependency on Earth for long-duration missions. Mars is often referred to as the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. China is on track with its plan to collect Martian rocks and bring them back to Earth around 2030. “So far, no country has implemented a sample return from Mars yet,” told by Sun Zezhou, chief designer of the Tianwen-1 spacecraft and a National People’s Congress deputy. Studying Mars allows scientists to compare and contrast it with Earth, providing insights into the processes that shape terrestrial planets and the potential for habitability beyond our home planet. 

The moon contains 0 atmosphere, so there's no air for humans to breathe, so they can’t live there. There is also no water on the moon, which people need to drink water to live. The environment on the moon is not nearly as easy to live in as Earth's. If we were to live on the Moon, one thing we would have to contend with is toxic lunar dust. The temperature fluctuations on the Moon are also intense, ranging from -248 to 123 degrees Celsius. It is a very hard temperature for people to live in. If people want to live on the moon, they need to grow food, but the soil does not contain reactive nitrogen, which is a mineral that is necessary for plant growth. The next step for humans is to have a Mars plan. 

Science is for people to acquire knowledge and let people understand about the natural world. Science expands our understanding of the physical, biological, and social aspects of the world and pushes the boundaries of human knowledge. It provides tools and methods for addressing and solving complex problems. It is used to study and understand the causes and effects of various issues, such as climate change, disease outbreaks, and environmental degradation. Scientific research informs evidence-based decision-making and policy development to tackle these challenges effectively. NASA’s ambitious moon-to-Mars plan is still on hold because people need too much money to start this plan. It is at a time of weak economy and the government doesn't have enough money to carry the plan. I agree with this choice because one rocket launch needs to spend a lot of money, it will also face a big danger. It will be very dangerous.

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