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Save the Endangered Species

There are many animals in this world, though some of them are disappearing and are endangered. That means the species will disappear and be gone forever in a short time. Endangered animals have very few numbers left, and might die in a short amount of time if somebody doesn’t do something. Even though some types of animals are endangered, some others are not. Animals that get used to human beings and can survive around us without any problems usually would not be endangered, like dogs. Since a very early time in this world, human beings have caused destruction to many animals and nature. They are mostly the cause of the disappearance of animals.

Mostly humans are the cause of endangered animals because they can harm animals in different ways. In the 19th century, hunting was very popular, and many animals were killed to extinction or became endangered. Also, people can move nature where animals graze and live aside and only care about building new buildings to live and work in. The animals will have nothing to eat and nowhere to live, and therefore they die. Animals who are endangered are mostly hunted by hunters or having lost their habitats where they live and eat their food. Humans are an important cause of animals becoming endangered or extinct, so we must try to protect them.

As humans have made animals become endangered, we have to try to protect them and help get the animals’ numbers of species and types back. People in this world have already started to try by banning hunting in forests or rainforests. Before, hunters could go anywhere they wanted to hunt, but now they cannot go to a large amount of places to hunt. But still, humans have not stopped taking over wildlife areas to build buildings and make man-made structures. Houses are still taking over the land, and as the population grows more houses have to be built. Zoos can also help animals by letting people learn more about animals, and as people learn more they learn to protect animals, not use them as objects. People have hurt nature, and now we have to make it the way it was before.

The food chain and nature are falling apart because of us humans. Hunters used to come and hunt for animals, and predator’s skin and elephants’ tusks were worth lots of money. Because of wanting to be rich, hunters came to kill for skin, and sold it for money. But animals disappeared quickly because of this. Also, builders have used up all the land there was for humans and turned them into cities where animals could not live. The builders asked for more land, so they had to use the grasslands where old animal families came to graze grass to have food and survive. Animal’s homes were destroyed, and some with the animals inside it. Animals also disappeared quickly because of it. Humans are a big problem to nature and the areas around us.

In conclusion, some animals nowadays are endangered, but others are not. Endangered animals are those who have very few species or numbers left, and are almost going to die out. Animals dying out is mostly because of human action. Hunters kill animals for their skins to sell for money and become rich, and that is one reason why animals are endangered. Also, humans took animals away from their land to use the land for building things and turning into cities where animals could not live. The builders took away the land that once belonged to animals. To solve this endangered animals’ problem, humans need to stop hunting, and builders need to stop asking for more land in order to keep the animals not endangered. Learning about animals being endangered helps us protect them and not let them be endangered anymore.

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