The Call of the Wild is a classic novel written by Jack London about a sleigh dog named Buck who strives to become the leader of his pack, and he must use all of his wits, bravery, and loyalty in order to do so. He has to create dissent in the current pack to undermine the leader’s leadership. He does so by encouraging theft and other actions that Spitz discourages, and under Buck’s protection, the other dogs steal and completely destroy the solidarity of the group, allowing him to show his true traits.
Intelligence and cunning is necessary for a leader in order to allow them to both be as efficient as possible and also to minimize losses. Being smart gives us a better chance of survival out in the wilderness. Inside of The Call of the Wild, Buck “was too clever ever again to be caught red-handed.” This enabled him to work without fear of being hurt, allowing him to be faster and braver. The more cunning you or an animal are, the higher chance you have of being able to work undisturbed and efficiently. Intelligence is crucial for a leader inside of the wild because of how powerful it is.
Bravery and courage are both incredibly useful traits in helping someone rise to the top because it gives them the recklessness necessary for it. Bravery helps a leader seem strong and encourages others to follow them because it enhances their charisma. Inside of The Call of the Wild, the “insidious revolt led by Buck had destroyed the solidarity of the team.” Buck had to be courageous enough to start undermining Spitz’s authority, and he was. Courage helps us to do the things that we know we must do. Bravery is a pivotal trait in helping a leader rise up.
Loyalty and steadfastness are extremely necessary for leaders to stay leaders as it enables them to protect their own. Being steadfast helps encourage loyalty in return, which is extremely powerful. Inside of The Call of the Wild, the rest of the dog team helped undermine Spitz’s leadership “under the protection of Buck.” This helped him weaken Spitz’s control by showing his own loyalty. Loyalty is great for helping dogs strengthen themselves by making them understand that you’re assisting them in their endeavors. Steadfastness to your team helps encourage loyalty in return, which helps you in your journey.
The Call of the Wild by Jack London is a fantastic story that perfectly illustrates the importance of being intelligent, having courage, and showing loyalty using Buck’s trick with undermining Spitz’s leadership. Being intelligent helps prevent being hurt through your actions and avoiding being caught. Having bravery enables us to commit actions that we might never do otherwise. Loyalty is necessary in order to encourage it in our own team. These three traits are all vital for becoming a leader and staying a leader. The Call of the Wild is an amazing book and I recommend it for readers of all ages.