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Review of Strega Nona

Characters: Strega Nona, Anthony

Setting: in a town of Calabria

Plot: Strega Nona need Anthony to keep her home. But Anthony uses her pasta pot and forgets the spell, pasta is out of control and fills the town, until Strega Nona comes and stops it.

Genre: Original Tale

This original tale written by Tomie dePaola, talks about a helpful witch called Strega Nona in town. She needs someone to keep her house and garden, and Anthony wants to help her. Strega Nona gives him work, he does it for days. One day, he hears Strega Nona singing to a pasta pot, making pasta for dinner. He announces it but no one believes, then he wants to show them. Soon Strega Nona is leaving, he sings the magic words, and gives pasta to everyone. But when pasta is enough, he loses the kisses, pasta is all over the house. He tries to stop it but doesn't work. Soon, pasta fills the town, nothing can stop it. Then Strega Nona comes and makes the pasta stops. She punishes Anthony to eat all the pasta. He does.

Magic is helpful and destructive at the same time. It cures ills and brings convenience, but can cause big damage. Strega Nona's magic helps many people but brings the town a disaster. The good thing is it heals many patients, the bad thing is it makes a disaster. Out of control magic is bad but using it correctly is helpful.

Showing off isn't good, don't do it often. If we want others to know we're good, do it or say it moderate. Anthony shows off the pasta pot and makes a disaster. He thinks it's interesting and wants everyone to know. Showing off never ends good, it's not worth doing and makes others feel bad.

If something is valuable, take care of it by yourself. We can protect valuables better when it's with us. Strega Nona didn't take the pasta with her and ends bad. If her takes the pot, there won't be a disaster. We need to take important things with us, protect it carefully.

In conclusion, I learn magic is helpful but dangerous, we should control it precisely. Showing off ends badly, it's better to say it moderate or do it. Carry valuables with us, and protect it carefully by ourselves. This is a story of profound significance, it's worth to read and discuss for several times.

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