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Review of Lola and Tiva

Characters: Lola and Tiva

Plot : Tiva wants a puppy but puppy isn’t allowed. So Tiva gets

a rhino from the rangers.

Perspective : The third person viewpoint

Genre: Narrative Nonfiction

This story is about Tiva who is a girl that wants a puppy. But

puppy isn’t allowed there. So Tiva gets a rhino from the rangers

. Tiva names the rhino Lola and Tiva takes good care of Lola.

She eats with her. She plays with her. She even takes a mud bath

with her. Soon they become best friends.

After reading this story. I know life of rhinos. Rhino babies

drink milk from his mother. They eat shrubs twigs and leaves

after five months. Their upper lips will be shaped like a hook

and can grab onto food. Rhinos in the world are usually shy too.

I learn that Tiva loves and cares because she takes Lola from the

rangers and she stays with Lola all the time. She brings her up

until she is old enough to take care of herself.

We should protect and care wild animals too. Because animals

are friends of people. We should make them feel better. From a

scientific perspective ,protecting the animals can maintain the

diversity of earth’ s organisms. It can be better for both of the

animals and people.

I think that this story is very impressed. It tells us to be good to

the animals. Only be good to others can others be good to you.

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