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Push a Dream

We probably heard of a famous basketball player called Jim Blair who’s son is Jannik Blair who is a professional wheelchair basketball player. It all started when it started raining and he was in a car and they were driving on a highway. When suddenly, a truck skidded across the road and bumped the rear of the car and then the car was spinning and he ended up in the hospital. He knew that he couldn’t play normal basketball anymore because he was in a wheelchair. Right after the accident, Jim Blair didn’t speak much after that and felt kind of guilty. So one day Jannik was invited to a wheelchair basketball team so Jim joined and his dad came along to support and help improve their skills and at the end, they had a match. They didn’t win but they were still proud of their achievements.

Friendship is very important in our life. Everyday we are at, for example, school, if we are having trouble doing something like being bullied. If we have good friendships with most of the people in the school, then they can help us defeat the person that is bullying us. Jannik Blair, was in school and he got a note from a person. It was about Jannik Blair being asked to join the wheelchair basketball team in his school. If Sarah didn’t tell Jannik that he was invited to the Wheelchair Basketball team, he would probably not join the team. Our friends are helpful in life, they can help in different ways. Like if we really trust a friend, we can tell them what we feel wrong and they can help us deal with it. Friends are important.

Family is there for our whole life. Even if we are not alive, our family will still go on for generations and generations. If our family is not here, we are not here. Jannik’s team couldn’t have improved so much and scored that many goals without his dad’s help and support. We can talk to our family about anything, we can share what is going on in our life, or maybe something is letting us feel a little bit uncomfortable. Our family can help us and maybe even save us from death. Family is always there and maybe in the future, one of our family members can make history. Family is always with us.

Resilience is hard but Success is happiness and pride. Most of the days, we achieve something but that needs resilience and hard work. Jannik needed to do some hard work to even improve the team. The team had to work really hard to improve because before Jannik’s dad ( Jim Blair ) went to support and help the team, they were not bad and not good but when they tried really hard, they were improving a lot. If we want success, we cannot be afraid of hard work because without hardwork and resilience, we cannot achieve success. Hard Work and resilience is the way to success.

In conclusion, now we know that friendship is very important in our life, family is there for our whole life and resilience is hard but success is happiness and pride. If we are somewhere, we may meet our friends. That might not seem like a big deal to have friends, but actually it can be really useful in life. When we are in trouble or like a problem, our friends can help with it also. Family is the most important thing in the world. Without our family, we won’t even be here. Maybe in the future, one of our family members is going to make a huge achievement and make history. We all know that most of the things in the world are hard and we maybe will get lazy. But if we don’t want success, we don’t need to try hard.

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