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On Texas v. Johnson

The Texas v. Johnson case in 1989 was a Supreme Court case that ruled the burning of an American flag as a protest protected by The First Amendment. The case originated from the 1984 Republican National Convention in Dallas, Texas, where Gregory Johnson burned a flag against government policies. His action was convicted of flag desecration, but the Supreme Court of America ruled in favor of Johnson, concluding that the State could not punish Johnson as it was an expressive conduct of the First Amendment. The key issue of the debate between the two sides is whether flag burning is a protected form of speech. Justice William Brennan, who favored the original ruling, held that flag desecration was protected under the First Amendment as burning the flag is a valid form of protest, emphasizing the importance of speech as American citizens. In the controversial argument, Chief Justice Rehnquist, Justice White, and Justice O’Connor, dissented by discussing the role of the flag as it symbolizes a nation, so burning the flag disrespects the country as a protection to the country's traditions, values, and beliefs. In Texas v. Johnson's case, Justice Brennan presents a compelling argument stating that flag burning is a form of protest rather than a crime of disrespect, serving as a valuable reminder of the importance of upholding free speech, even when it is controversial or offensive. The right to peacefully protest is a foundational American value and deserves protection from persecution.

The First Amendment serves as a fundamental protection of freedom and democracy in the United States, and it is essential in guaranteeing rights such as freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. While the burning of an American flag seems offensive or disrespectful, it is a harmless form of protest protected under the laws, and by persecuting Johnson is opposing the principles of the First Amendment. As Justice Brennan emphasizes, preserving the freedom of speech is essential regardless of personal emotions. It is crucial to remember that the right to speech is a key component of a healthy democracy. Although there are some offensive forms of expression, such as the Texas v. Johnson case, allowing citizens to express themselves freely is a basis for self-government. When building a democracy, free speech allows all viewpoints and opinions to be heard and considered, which aids in creating a more informed and open society. As Justice Brennan accentuated, Texas v. Johnson’s case is a protected form of symbolic speech, ensuring citizens' diverse opinions and perspectives.

As Justice Rehnquist dissents, the American flag is a nearly mystical reverence regardless of what sort of social, political, or philosophical beliefs people have. The role of the flag affected millions of people who fought for the country, forming a shared national identity. By destroying these symbols, Johnson threatens the nation. However, the flag plays a special role in a country, symbolizing its culture, beliefs, and traditions. The rudimentary American principles emphasize the freedom of the people and the toleration of criticism, and the First Amendment protects these rights. The flag, symbolizing a nation, also represents the rights of the people. Justice Brennan’s technical language builds a sturdy argument emphasizing constitutional principles over emotional and patriotic feelings. By recognizing flag desecration as a form of expression protected by the First Amendment, he firmly holds his argument in favor of Johnson. As the opposition’s side proposed, the flag symbolizes a nation, embodied by the emotional meaning and reverence of the country, so people should punish Johnson to maintain a strong country and prevent further division over time. Yet, as Justice Brennan says, by preserving the flag’s significant role, the best way is not to punish them but to persuade them that they are wrong. By allowing the protesters to protest, the nation gets to understand their views and slowly correct the fallacies some believe. Enforcing silence is against American principles, which not only opposes the principles of freedom and protection of speech but is also a crucial symbol representing the pride and sacrifices of millions of Americans.

Through the Texas v. Johnson case of 1989, Justice Brennan made a convincing argument for protecting free speech and the right to protest. By acknowledging the flag as a defensible form of expression, he emphasizes the importance of preserving freedom and the principles of the First Amendment. The United States is a country that cherishes freedom and tolerance, and by highlighting the essence of a democratic society, Justice Brennan justifies the significance of maintaining these rights, even if it might be controversial. While dissenting voices argue that the flag serves as a unifying symbol, which is an approbation of a nation, the majority reinforces the notion of tolerance and freedom regardless of personal feelings or opinions. Ultimately, the Texas v. Johnson case is a reminder of the necessity to protect one’s rights, such as the right to speech, for a robust and resilient democracy.

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