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New Technology - Flying Cars

The future is closer than we might anticipate, if you thought flying cars were only in movies and in our imagination you are wrong, one of the newest technologies in 2022 is a car. But this car isn’t your average car, it's a flying car. You know those drawings of the future where there are flying cars, well now flying cars are now officially a thing. Yep that right flying cars are now real. You might have never heard of them but there are around 10 kinds of flying cars already.

The aircar is made to still be a road car so it can both run on the ground and fly in the air with the help of a few helicopter rotors. Unlike other normal planes and helicopters, the flying cars don’t need a runway which can make take off a lot more quick also it don’t make a very loud sound the car still has the steering wheel and it is used to control turns to the left and the right, while a throttle to the right of the wheel is responsible for moving the machine forward and back, as well as up and down.

Since there will be less cars on the road there should be less traffic crashes so this could help police and other emergencies. Also there will be a reduction of animals that get killed each year by getting hit by cars. Think that If all the cars were in the sky the animals would be free to walk around everywhere . Also most of the cars will have self driving mode this can prevent crashes for drunk people and reduce time travel. Traveling by air has many advantages; these are just a few and there will be more in the future.

Though traveling by air is great, one of the biggest disadvantages is that many people will have trouble from the change, since ground and air are very different. You might be driving then get distracted by the magnificent view, not knowing that there is something in front of you. Also so far these cars are powered by fuel so it can cours trouble for the environment. Also if you are going far away you would need to have large amounts of battery and the more the heave her and the harder to drive. So even if they might be good they still aren’t the best.

Flying cars are amazing. There are many advantages like traffic and how much faster it would be to travel but there are also many disadvantages like pollution. But in the future there will be new technologies and it will improve the cars and make it even better. Just imagine all the beautiful sceneries you will be able to see. Flying cars has always been a dream of mankind to think that it is now reality is just astonishing, humans have pushed their limits once again and there’s no telling what the future has in store for us.

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