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New Technology - Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability for a computer to think and learn like humans. It refers to when machines perform tasks that mimic humans like decision-making and problem solving. This new technology can help humans do various repetitive tasks. The device would learn once and then repeat the work as many times as its owner wanted it to without getting tired. This makes our lives easier and more efficient. Nowadays, this development is not only a technology, it is more part of our daily lives. We see and use AI every day like iPhone face recognition and Google translate without even noticing it. AI enables devices or machines to learn, think, create things, solve problems, and do other things that human beings can do.

AI is the art of training computers to “think” and have a “brain”. It allows devices to help us do things through programming and coding. In other words, we could use AI to create a man-made intelligent creature. This creature is taught to drive a car or do other human-like things and then it could use the previous data to repeat the task over and over again. AI is used to make computers smart and perform tasks like humans, therefore we could have an extra helping hand. AI is used variously in our life, it enables machines and robots to process language, recognize faces and even play games and sports. AI is a new technology that functions computers to think and learn like human beings.

AI makes our daily lives easier and more efficient. Significant new inventions and pleasing services are all enabled by this technology. It could work all the time and can reduce human mistakes. AI enhanced our lives in various ways. Doctors use AI to diagnose patients. Astronauts use AI for detecting planets. We use AI when we are learning too, learning systems like ReadTheory use AI to give us proper quizzes according to our reading level. These are only a few examples of AI. Today, almost everyone uses AI. This includes Alexia, Siri, self-driving cars, Social Media and much more. AI is a technology that makes our lives more convenient and easier.

Although AI is making our lives easier, it also has several severe problems. One of the problems is that some AI machines would go out of control and have their own “opinions”. For example, some self-driving cars like Tesla could go out of control and cause extreme car crashes because the judgements the device made weren’t accurate enough. To rephrase it, the main problem in these AI self-driving cars is safety. In order to solve this problem, engineers could enhance the cameras and radars to gather more information and improve the programs to make more accurate judgements. Therefore, the passengers in the vehicle could have less possibilities of crashing and getting injured. AI is a technology we still need to improve.

AI is a new technology that enables machines like computers and robots to think, learn and do other advanced stuff that humans do. The function of this new technology is that it could learn how to perform a certain task and remember the information to repeat the movement again and again. Although AI is making our lives more convenient, it still has a major problem which is running out of control. To solve this problem, people could enhance the structure of the machine and make it more secure. In the future, AI may get more and more advanced. Maybe one day AI robots could help us do things such as doing science experiments and going to outer space. We will never know how AI will develop. This technology is a major success in our inventing history.

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