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My Favorite Phase of the Moon

Sometimes the moon changes shape during the night. They sometimes change into a bit of silver light, other times it is a big brilliant ball of light. Even though the moon changes shape, the moon does not really change its shape, it is because different parts of the moon are in the shadow not in the light. And each time the moon changes shape, it is called a lunar phase.

The moon appears to be different in size and shape every night when we look up in the night sky. Because some parts of the moon have not been shown by the sun’s bright light and that is what creates different shapes and sizes of the moon.The moon was still a round moon but there was no light to show the whole moon except when the moon it's fully lit by the sun.

There are many different shapes and sizes of the moon and they all have different names. First one is the new moon phase. It had no moon. After that, the waxing crescent phase is a bit of the moon followed by the first quarter phase which is half of the moon's nearest side and the waxing gibbous phase it is almost a full moon.Then, it's the full moon phase the moon is a full moon. Then came the waning gibbous phase. It is almost a full moon with the last quarter phase it is half the moon. Lastly, what is the waning crescent phase it's a bit of the moon. Then it starts all over again.

My favorite phase of the moon is the full moon phase because after so many phases, I finally got to the full moon where it looks like the finish line. End it looks like I have won the race and that makes me happy. The moon is also beautiful. They look like a beautiful painting that was sparkling. It is very peaceful and quiet with only the stars and moon surrounding you, singing a magical song.

In conclusion, I know what a phase is. A phase is a shape that the moon made. Each phase is a different shape, but sometimes the shape is the same after it has gone through a cycle. Moon changes size when the sun shines on different parts of the moon. Also, the moon’s phases have different names. After the cycle is over, the names will start again. My favorite phase of the moon because it is pretty and peaceful. It's like a powerful hand that holds me in.

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