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My Favorite Phase of Moon

What is meant by a “phase” of the moon? Well it basically means the look of the moon.It is mostly the shape of the moon's sunlit portion as seen from Earth. Some parts of the moon are in the shadows, this makes the moon look like it's in different shapes but in reality, the moon is always round. This is also mostly because the sun reflects on the sun and sometimes parts of it are in the shadow in which the sun can't shine. This is also a reason why the phase of the moon appears different. This is basically what is meant by a “phase” of the moon.

Why does the moon appear to be different sizes? Well basically there are plenty of reasons,as we can see the moon is reflected by the sun which creates light on the moon and makes the moon look all bright and shiny. But sometimes some parts of the moon can’t be seen or shine by the sun and are in the shadows; this makes some parts of the moon dark. To us it looks like the moon had once again changed shapes. This is mostly and basically why some parts of the moon can’t be seen and appear to us in different shapes. 

What are all the phases of the moon? Well first,  the new moon face appears that no part of the moon is lit up and there is only a black outline. During the waxing crescent phase the moon looks very tiny and small. Then in the first quarter phase, half of the moon's nearest sides are lit up from the moon. After, the waxing gibbous moon is when the moon is almost full. After that the waning gibbous phase is basically when the moon is fully lit up which is the full moon. After that there is the waning crescent moon and then the whole thing starts over again.

My favorite phase of the moon is the full moon. There are plenty of reasons on that behalf and one of them is because I love food and the full moon reminds me of all types of food. It gives me plenty of good memories like yesterday I played and bought plenty of things and also went to the great wall of china, and also the full moon reminds me of a big fat cheese and this makes my lips drool because I love to eat cheese and is myself a big foody. This is basically and mostly why the full moon is my favorite phase of the moon and in my opinion is the best phase of all times.

The meaning of the phase of the moon basically means the look of the moon. The moon appears to be in different shapes because sometimes when the sun shines on the moon parts of it are in the shadow, and to us the part that is in the shadow is basically nothing. There are plenty of types of moon which are the new moon, the waxing crescent moon,  the first quarter phase, waxing gibbous moon, waning gibbous phase, and the full moon. My favorite phase of the moon is basically the full moon because it reminds me of good memories and food.

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