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My Dream Garden

Everyone dreams about our own garden. This is a story which is called The Secret garden and was written by Frances Hodgson Burnett. This story is about a little girl named Mary and her parents never wanted her so they gave Mary to their servants.She was Forced to live with her uncle when all of the people in the palace died, and then she discovers a secret garden. If I had a dream garden I would want all of the flowers to be fresh and beautiful. I won’t want the flowers to be dead and they have no colors in them and everything looks out of shape. I will want everything to be well taken care of and they all bloom well. I will have one kind of flower in a section and one kind of flower in the other section.

I will also want a fountain in the middle of my flower garden so they can also help water the flowers or plants a little bit. It can also be flowing and I can attract birds and can attract Butterflies and bees to help grow even more flowers in the world so the world can be healthy and good. If we have more plants and flowers the earth will be a better place for all of us in the world. It will also be like a waterfall but it is different levels and each level lets the water flow and if we need to water the plants we can just get a bucket and scoop the water and pour it into the plants and flowers so we don’t need to go inside to get a bucket of water and carry it outside.

I also want a slide so we can play it in the garden. Like if we ever get bored we can go outside in the garden and we can also turn the slide into a water slide. We can get the water from the water fountain and we can pour it on the slide. Sometimes when we have play dates we can go on the slide and also have a picnic in the garden. Sometimes we can also make the slide so we can make it into different things that we can also play with such as a beam, a train rail ,etc. If we are at one side of the garden and then the other person is at the other side of the garden and we need to give something to them we can use the slide and we can slide down and give it to them.

Finally I want a room that has an air-conditioner so we can relax in there and we can read books. This can help us if we want a rest or if we are hurt like if we scrape our knee we can sit in that room and we can rest for a bit and we can also clean the scraped knee and it will be better. If it starts to rain we can also go into the room and we can read some books and we can maybe carry on what we were doing before. If outside is very hot and it is to hot for playing outside we can go on the slide and make it into a water slide or we can stay in the air - conditioner room and we can wait there until the sun has been cooled down a little.

So we know some of us want a dream garden so these are my reasons. The first reason is that I want all the flowers to be beautiful and healthy so it can make the world and the earth better and it is also good for us. I also want a water fountain so it can attract bees and butterflies and they can help us grow more flowers and plants and that will make nature a whole ton beautiful. If we want to water the plants we can just get a bucket and fill it up with the water from the water garden so we don't need to get water from our house.I will also want a slide, if we are super hot we can turn the slide. If we don’t want to move and we have to give it to the other person then we can slide and give it to them. Finally I want an air-conditioner room so we can relax and read books when we are super hot. We can also stay in there so we can hide from a storm or rain.

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