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Make a Dish

Do you know what my favorite food is for breakfast? It’s ham and egg! It’s very delicious and simple to make. Let me tell you how to make it. First, prepare six eggs, 1/2 cup of milk, and two slices of ham. Second, crack the six eggs into a bowl, mix them, and pour them into a big pan. Heat the pan. Third, add in the milk and mix it well. This will make the eggs thin. Last, chop the ham and then add the ham to the eggs. Mix them, and then the eggs will get thick in the hot pan. This is how I make my favorite breakfast: ham and eggs!

Let me tell you how I make handmade noodles. My grandma teaches me that.

First, you need to prepare some flour, amylum, salt, water, two eggs, two tomatoes, celery, and a carrot. Second, put the flour into a big bowl and add some water mixed with salt. Mix with a pair of chopsticks until it becomes flaky. Knead with your hand until it becomes dough for about three minutes. Wrap it with plastic wrap, then rest it for about 2 hours. In the meantime, let’s make the sauce. Slice the tomatoes, celery, and carrots into small pieces. Add some oil to a pan, heat the pan, crack the two eggs into the pan, add tomatoes, celery, and carrot, add soy sauce and water with a little amylum, and cook them. After 2 hours, put some flour on the kneading table and knead the dough until it becomes smooth. Press the dough with your palm and roll the dough with a rolling pin into a big, round, flat dough sheet. Then fold the dough sheet and cut it to the size you want. Then unfold the noodles. Last, boil some water in a larger pot. Put noodles into the boiled water. Wait a few minutes, rinse the noodles with clean water, and put it into a bowl. Pour the sauce on the noodles. Then enjoy it!

This is how my grandma teaches me how to make handmade noodles. My grandma is also good at making other delicious food. She cooks different dishes for us every day without repeating. I hope you like my grandma’s recipe for handmade noodles. If you like it, I will show you more about my grandma’s recipe.

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