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Loneliness and Trustfulness

Loneliness and trustfulness are two important ideas that we should understand to make our decisions better in our lives. Loneliness is the feeling that no one near us can make us feel better when we are sad. Trustfulness is the act of placing trust in someone. There are three stories that can show us the effects of loneliness, as well as the importance of trustfulness. Shells talks about an orphaned boy named Michael. Aunt Esther then came to take care of him. They had a bad feeling about each other at first, until Michael buys a hermit crab, which they both seemed to have interest in. Island of the Blue Dolphins talks about a girl, Karana, who lost her brother and father to a wild dog, but when she found a wild dog injured she helped the dog. Dragonwings talks about a boy named Moon Shadow whose father left for the US to find gold. From these stories we can find that people who are lonely can still establish trust in each other.

Something that we can find in these three stories is that anyone can be lonely no matter what. People of any age, living condition, or family background can be lonely. In the story Dragonwings, Moon Shadow was seven and lived in China in a village with a lot of people, his father went away. In the story Shells, Michael was fourteen and Aunt Esther was fifty, and they lived in a condominium in a wealthy section of Detroit, since Michael's parents had passed away. In the story Island of the Blue Dolphins, Karana lived in a coastal village off the coast of Southern California with her family dead. These are examples of people from so many different backgrounds, yet they are all lonely. As you can see, understanding that anyone can be lonely is extremely important for us.

Even if we are lonely it makes a big difference on how we deal with such loneliness, whether we just do nothing, or we can do something to change it. In Dragonwings, Moon Shadow remembers his father through the kite, and plays with the kite. In Shells, since Michael and Aunt Esther have to trust and like each other, they buy hermit crabs to help them accept each other. In Island of the Blue Dolphins, Karana accepts her enemy, the dog, as part of her life. She lives with the dog and names him Rontu. These stories show that as long as we have the attitude and the determination, we will be able to live happily and do what we want to do. Therefore, if we are lonely, or even if we are not and we just want to accomplish something, we have to have a good attitude and be determined to achieve it.

Symbolism is a writing skill that we should use in our writings, and is shown in the three stories. Symbolism is the writing skill that allows us to use an object or an action to represent something else of deeper meaning than of only the simpler meaning in the story. In the story Dragonwings, the kite symbolizes the family heirlooms and the importance of family. In the story Shells, the shell symbolizes loneliness, self protection, as well as isolation. In the story Island of the Blue Dolphins, the dog symbolizes Karana's great attitude to nature, of forgiveness and mercy. Symbolism is a great writing skill that can improve our writing a lot. Such a writing skill can help us express deeper meanings much more easily without simply telling the idea directly to the reader. Thus, we should try to use symbolism in our writing.

When we think about being lonely and loneliness, we also feel sadness. But we rarely think of how the people who are lonely can become happier. And usually, the answer lies in themselves. In a lot of situations, they can fix it themselves. Humans are extremely social animals. This means that without a companion, they would feel lonely. This is also why people will feel lonely. The reason is just that humans will feel the need to talk to others to feel good. The people who are lonely can use their own attitude and their decisiveness to be able to become less lonely, and become happier than when they were stuck in loneliness. This also proves that humans are extremely flexible. This kind of flexibility is being mentally flexible. This is also why people can quickly adjust to many different things changing at the same time. We should always try to find ways to make our lives better and adjust to new things as they come into our lives.

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