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Let’s Talk About Sherlock Holmes

The stories of Sherlock Holmes have millions of fans worldwide, and more than 60 million copies have been sold. This series, first published on October 14, 1892, is extremely popular. Made by Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes has become one of the most iconic figures in crime fiction, along with other great detectives such as Hercule Poirot and Nancy Drew. He has appeared in 4 novels and 56 short stories, in which he uses his astounding powers of deduction along with his keen powers of observation to solve complex mysteries.

Sherlock Holmes considers himself a “consulting detective”, however, his ability to use complete logic to solve mysteries, and his skills in forensic science, make him a top-tier detective. He rarely gets any credit in the cases he solved, and does not care. Watson, however, wants Holmes to get some credit, so he chronicles many of his friend’s cases such as The Case of The Orange Pips and The Case of The Dancing Men. Holmes and Watson first met when they wanted to rent a house together at 221B Baker Street, and since then they have become very good friends with each other. Sherlock Holmes is very intelligent, but strangely, his personal shortcomings are that he has never learned many things, such as astronomy or politics.

While Sherlock Holmes may lack some basic knowledge, he still possesses some uncanny talents. Some of Sherlock Holmes’s greatest talents include: amazingly shrewd logic, absurdly good powers of observation, great deductive skills, and his determination. He solves many cases using his own methods of deducting the truth, and his ability to determine what has happened based on just one piece of information is uncanny. He can deduce almost everything about a man based entirely on just his clothes. In A Study In Scarlet, he determined that a man was a retired sergeant of the Marines from just one look at him, using his amazing powers of observation. In The Hound of The Baskervilles, he deduced a man’s identity based on just his cane, using his deductive skills. His calmness in the line of fire is astounding. He is also an expert at disguising himself and going undercover. He was groundbreaking for his time and helped define the crime fiction genre.

Sherlock Holmes has great talents in gathering facts and reasoning, but he seems to be a cold, unsympathetic man. He has never had a relationship or many friends. His lack of amorous feelings is useful in his line of work, but can impede his ability to do other things. For example, in The Hound of The Baskervilles, he fails to see why Sir Henry might not want to move to the countryside instead of staying in London. His only true friend that he feels affection for is Dr. John H. Watson. He is a unique character, and Dr. Watson provides a human contrast to Holmes’s cold, calculating manner. Still, his lack of emotion makes him even more interesting to read and gives him a perennial aloof quality that adds to his legend.

Sherlock Holmes is a great detective who has intrigued millions of readers throughout the years, due to his amazing deductive skills and mental prowess, and the intricacy of the cases that he solves. His friend Dr. Watson is very kind and helpful, and is a contrast to Sherlock Holmes. Holmes lacks emotion and seems very cold as a result, but this gives him qualities that serve to make him even more interesting. His cold, logical manner allows him to solve complicated cases, but results in him not having many friends. Sherlock Holmes is a worldwide sensation because it explores all the complex parts of a human.

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