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Let’s Talk about Money

Money is usually paper or coins that we can buy things and we can trade. People cannot live without money. If they don’t have any money, they cannot buy things to eat. And without money, they can’t buy things to wear. In a word, money is really important for people to survive.

There is a long history about money. In ancient times, there was no money because people hunted animals and gathered berries just for survival. As time goes by, a system of trade starts which is called bartering. Bartering is to trade one object for another. For example, you trade a loaf of bread for two apples. However, bartering doesn’t always work. People used rocks and feathers to trade as early forms of money. But they both have disadvantages. Rocks are too heavy to carry around while feathers are too light to keep. People had to think of better ways to trade.

In history, people used cows, sheep, fish, and shells as money until one day they found that metals made good money. People can cut copper, bronze, iron, silver, and gold into small pieces. It’s easy to carry around. At the same time, people can weigh the small pieces to know how much it is. These small pieces became the first coins in human history. Then people can print different values and images on the coins. In this case, it is much easier to tell the worth and it makes trade more convenient. However, carrying many coins is still difficult, so paper money was invented to solve the problem.

Paper money is light, so it is easy to carry around. And paper money has value, so you can put them in bank, or you can use them to buy what you want. Nowadays, different countries have developed different kinds of money. For example, in the United States, people use US dollars. In China, people use China Yuan, or RMB. In Europe, people use Euros. Due to the development of technology, many kinds of money appeared such as checks, and credit cards. Nowadays, because of the fast development of internet, digital money becomes more and more popular, such as Paypal, Wechat payment, Alipay and ApplePay, and so on. No matter what kind of money we use, the value of money keeps changing. Even though different country uses different money, people can exchange their money with different exchange rate. We live in a world surrounded by different forms of money.

Nowadays, we live in a world full of technologies. It’s hard to imagine a world without money. Without money, it’s hard to imagine how I can get the best game equipment. With money, we can buy anything we want or anything we need.

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