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Let’s Talk About Mistakes

Mistakes are errors that are made when working. Some mistakes are big and can lead to extreme choices, while others are small, like spilling coffee from a table, but even this can cause a lot of irritation. Thinking carefully about mistakes boosts learning since you analyze the wrongness of your mistake, allowing you to have an improved rate of not repeating the same mistakes over and over. This can contribute to less obstacles in the pathway of learning and less forks for you to pick something to do when you already did it without memorizing it, which means that there is a chance of you never improving.

Mistakes can lead to bullying, extremely loneliness, and depression. If a person made an extremely insulting mistake and got found out by a popular person, then that person can spread the story if the person’s insulting mistake, making him lonely, and that person can be famous for that mistake and everyone will now know to stay away from that person, and stop socializing with that person. His friends might betray him and stop socializing with him and instead, spread false rumors to psychologically harm their victim. The victim will live in a nearly unlivable place with people joking about him everywhere.

Fortunately, it is never too late to rewrite your story. If you stop doing the same mistake over and over again, then other people might ignore the past, when you made the mistake, and continue to socialize with you. If a killer showed mercy, then he will not be a killer anymore, but there is always a testing time zone, a time zone where everyone will test you to see if you will make the same mistake again, and if yes, it takes even harder tries to convince other people that you have changed. If you didn’t make the same mistake in the testing period of time, the people around you can now fully trust you.

It is important to reflect upon mistakes you made so you will not make them again. For example, if you accidentally splashed water on the table, and you reflected on it. Then, you will know what is the trigger of splashing water on the table, which is tilting a water bottle too much. Next time, you will know to avoid tilting your water bottle too much so that you can avoid splashing water. This all happens because you identified a bad habit, and you memorized what you did wrong, and can fix them. It usually takes 6 weeks to fix a bad habit.

In conclusion, mistakes are a type of error that can be fixed and reflected upon. Charles F. Kettering once quoted, “99 percent of success is built on failure.” If a person wants success, it can only happen on one condition, which is that person reflects his own mistakes and makes reasonable fixes to that mistake to stop that mistake from happening ever again. This is important because if you are known for a mistake and have it fixed, then people will stop gossiping about you making that mistake.

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