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Let's Talk about Difference

People will sometimes encounter others with different opinions, appearance, or any extra subjects. These differences could be because of your background or just what you have seen. In the all american slurp, the main character and her family are immigrants from china and because they are new here they don’t understand its traditions. They had different manners of eating foods like celery than the neighbors that they ate with. In all summer in a day, the girl is at Venus in school waiting for the sun to come out for two hours finally in seven years. Because she is so different from people like how she could be going back to earth next year, the classmates along with the school bully lock her in a closet and she doesn’t see the sun. In flower and freckle cream the girl has a beautiful cousin but she has freckles unlike everyone else so her mother thinks she is ugly. The grandfather on the other hand thinks she is beautiful in her own appearance and supports her. There are many reasons for people to be different from each other but we shouldn't judge them but instead accept them for who they are.

There are many complex reasons and  influencing factors that can lead to differences between people. Some of the key factors could be geographic locations,  diverse cultural traditions and various physical appearances. In the all american slurp, the people immigrated from china and still used some of their culture in America so some people were surprised when they pulled the celery stalks from their food. This is a cultural difference because the traditions of China versus America have some major differences. In All summer in a day, the girl lived on Venus like everyone else but what was different about her was that she was going back to earth the next year and being able to see the sun. This is a geological difference that affects them in that they rarely ever get to see the sun. In flower and freckle cream, the girl did not look good in her mothers eyes because she had freckles so she used a freckle removal cream that didn’t work. This is an appearance difference that certain people have different views on and can become controversial. Differences between individuals and groups could arise from a wide array of factors,among them the key factors could be environmental, cultural and physical elements.

People around the world have different attitudes on difference whether it is positive or negative feedback about it. Developing an open minded attitude can be very helpful but some attitudes aren’t. In the all american slurp, the main character pulled the celery stalks from her food and when she looked around everyone was looking at her and her family but the neighbors and friends tolerated it even though it was surprising and new for them. This made her feel embarrassed so she tried to adapt to the different cultures in America that she wasn’t familiar with. The other kids should have instead accepted her and not stare when they made a mistake. 

In all summer in a day, Margot really believes she knows the sun better than everyone else which makes her different and so the school bully and classmates don’t believe her and lock her in a closet when the sun finally comes up. The classmates had never seen the sun so they were skeptical to believe Margot and they probably didn’t want to admit she knew more than everyone else. They made judgements based on their experience so they had never seen the sun and then didn’t believe Margot. In flower and freckle cream, the girl has freckles and the mom and her don’t like them even though the grandfather says it is her own kind of natural beauty. This means some people have different ideas on beauty based on their opinion and we should accept our uniqueness instead of the vast social standards around us. People can hold different attitudes towards diversity depending on many factors,but an inclusive attitude with an open mind could help them understand and accept the difference.

All these three stories talk about causes of differences as well as attitudes towards the difference. However, they also explore other meaningful themes beyond just differences. In the all american slurp, the girl and her family had just moved to america from china and they were not used to this new place and it’s new customs. As immigrants, they have to adapt to this but the children have an easier time learning new things and fitting in. In all summer in a day, the girl is very homesick for the earth and so her parents decided she will go back there next year. She feels more and more distant from home along with the bullying she faces. In flower and freckle cream, the girl had a lack of self confidence because of the pressure her mom put on her about the freckles and also because of her beautiful cousin she feels like she has to get to her level. This insecurity about her appearance is caused by her lack of confidence for herself. The story highlights how the social standard of beauty can affect self-esteem.Overall, these stories dig further about expansive themes and teach us more than just differences.

In conclusion, all these stories demonstrate that people can be very diverse from each other as there are many different reasons that can contribute to this like appearance, environment, and culture. These differences can be talked about positively or detrimental based on their own background and perspective. Other people who are close to you might have a different opinion and think differently about you then this will affect what you think about yourself. However, these stories also explore themes like fitting into a new environment, nostalgia, and the cause of insecurity. These stories send us a message about how to treat differences and what attitudes to treat it with. This teaches us to handle disconformity with an open mind and tolerance.

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