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Learn from Steve Jobs

As everyone knows, Steve Jobs was the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple, one of the most popular communication device companies in the world. Steve Jobs dropped out of the school, because his parents paid too much for his schooling, but he couldn't see the value in it. Then, he followed his intuition and took a calligraphy class. Ten years later, he used his knowledge of calligraphy on his design of his first computer. Then, Woz and Jobs started Apple in his parents’ garage when he was 20, in ten years’ time, they turned Apple into a successful company. When he was 30, he was fired by his own company. He was once desperate, but he then decided to start two companies named NeXT and Pixar. Then Jobs met his wife, Laurene. Later on, the scan showed a tumor on his pancreas. Jobs had a biopsy, and the doctors found that it was curable, he had a surgery and everything was fine. Unfortunately, Steve Jobs died in 2011 because of respiratory arrest.

It is necessary to know what we love and are passionate about, because it will most likely affect our life. In Steve Job’s speech, he said he found what he loved to do when he was twenty. He and Woz started Apple in his parents’ garage, and within ten years’ time, they turned into a $2 billion company with over 4000 employees. It is a great improvement of turning a company with only two founders into a successful company with over four thousand employees. Steve Jobs did this, because he had his passion and love about doing what he liked. Jobs loved to design and create new computers, so he would like to put more effort into it, so that his products can be successful, and “Apple” accompanied him through the rest of his life. It is the same for all of us. Focus and follow what we love, put our efforts on it, and it will influence us either on successes or our life.

Be resilient, and never give up on our failures. In Steve Jobs' speech, we learned that when Jobs was thirty years old, he was fired by his own company. Steve Jobs hired a talented person to run the company with him, but soon after, they have some divergences about their visions of the future, so they have a falling out. The Board of Directors sided with him, so Jobs has to be out. At first, he thought his focus of his life vanished, and he felt remorse about himself. But then, Steve Jobs realized that this was still what he loved. Jobs didn’t renounce his beloved career and settle down, instead he decided to start over. He started two companies named NeXT and Pixar in the next five years, he came back to Apple, and found his love for life, Laurene. It was because of his initial resilience and not giving up by failure that led to his success. Failures will definitely cause desperation but it can still come into the experience to be successful if we can be resilient.

Grit is somehow imperative, because it provides us more chances and choices. In Steve Job’s speech, he said that he dropped out of his college when he was seventeen. Actually, he needed to have a lot of courage to make this decision. Because his foster parents promised his mother that one day Steve Jobs will go to college, and graduating from a good college can be easier for him to find a job. Jobs disregarded those attractive conditions, because his parents wasted almost all of their money for Job’s schooling, but he couldn’t find any value in going to college. After years, his choice of dropping out of school did provide him to do more things he wanted that he thought were valuable, for example going to calligraphy lessons. And what he learnt from calligraphy lessons benefitted him a lot on his first computer. It is obvious that being brave and firm to follow our intuitions can provide us with more chances and choices to experience more valuable things in life for ourselves.

In conclusion, Steve Jobs was the co – founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple, one of the most popular communication device companies in the world. He experienced the gamut of life: success, failure, and death. His successes were inseparable from these characters that are worth for us to learn about, be clear about what we loved, resilience, and grit. It is necessary to know what we love and passion about, because it will most likely affect our life. We should focus and follow what we love, put our efforts on it, and it will influence us either on successes or our life. Be resilient, and never give up on our failures. Failures will definitely cause desperations but it can still come into the experience to be successful if we can be resilient. Grit is somehow imperative, because it provides us more chances and choices. It is obvious that being brave and firm to follow our intuitions can provide us with more chances and choices to experience more valuable things in life for ourselves.

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