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Koala’s Food

When an animal is extinct, it means the species of this kind of animal is gone forever. For example the Yangtze River Dolphin is extinct this year. There are also some species that are almost extinct. For example a koala is a species that is almost extinct. People tried to save the koala from getting extinct. In the meantime there are lots of different animals getting extinct because of predators, human destruction, and loss of resources. If koalas get fewer and fewer they will get extinct just like the white rhinos. Koalas lived when they were 25 million years old. That’s a long time, koalas can not be extinct because they're a kind of living fossil. Koalas are getting fewer but people are trying to save them. Will they succeed?

Koalas eat eucalyptus trees. There are more than 700 varieties of eucalyptus trees in Australia. But the koalas only read between 40 and 50 of these eucalyptus trees. Koalas eat the amount of food depending on its side. The first eat by grabbing a small branch live there forepaw, then they will carefully sniff the leaves before eating it. Because koalas only eat the very best choice of leaves. They use that sense of smell to figure out the types of eucalyptus leaves. They also sniff out their level of toxicity. Koalas have predators that are on the ground so they stay on trees. Their predators are animals such as dogs, snakes, and the lizards. Koalas can make deep noises during the breeding season to find a mate.

Eucalyptus trees are the koala’s favorite food. One reason is because koalas are weak, when they fight for food they will easily lose. Eucalyptus trees contain poison that no animal will eat it so the koala won’t eat it so it doesn’t have to fight for food. Another reason is because koalas are lazy; they don’t want to go down to find food. They will eat only eucalyptus trees. That way they don’t have to run around to find food. Koalas have a special organ in their body to get rid of the poison in the eucalyptus trees. Baby koalas don’t have this kind of organ, but the mother will create a special poop called pap. The baby eats the pap, and then it will have that organ.

Eucalyptus trees are being cut down by humans for a big reason. In eastern Australia, last year there was a big fire. Eucalyptus trees provide oil that makes the fire grill larger. Some Nations have said the government should not grow eucalyptus trees here. So the eucalyptus trees have been cut down by the government. That means koalas will lose precious food. Also eucalyptus trees only grow in Australia, if they were cut down there would be no place for the koala to live. But people don’t know about the fire. People cause global warming and it will cause heat to the trunk of this eucalyptus tree. That makes the fire burning. People thought it was the eucalyptus trees that caused the fire, but it is really themselves.

In conclusion, Many animals lose their place to live because of humans. Animal shelters will be changed into roads, cities, and other human inventions. When the animals don't have the ability to change their habits quickly, they die of starvation, thirsty, and low resources. Over the years of changing their habits, now their habits will stay the same, not changing for a long time. If they were to change to another place they will not be ready for it and die because they don't know the resources that are there. Animals' homes cannot be changed to human space. Human building projects will make animals die because they make the animals have a bad habitat then the first one. We have to protect the animal’s habitats so we can live with the animals in peace.

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