Knowing yourself is a beneficial skill for you because you can achieve more goals than if you didn’t know yourself. Knowing yourself is when you can describe yourself and you can feel your emotions, thoughts, and values and what you do to contribute to help. This skill is important because it helps you by showing you more about life, and it helps people know more about you. Three stories The Pigman and Me, Just Once, and Geraldine Moore The Poet are surrounding three characters and they are figuring more about themselves as they solve their conflict. In the Pigman and Me, Paul had an accident with John Quinn, because Paul gave John a black eye, John says that he will get revenge on him, and he says that he will fight him. Behind a store 300 students come to see the fight and John gets one punch, but it does not touch Paul, but Paul goes with it, and John leaves, His friend Moose though is not satisfied, but when he goes to punch him, Paul's sister comes and saves him. In Just Once, Moose is famous for football, but then one day he wants to take the ball up instead of defending. The coach first thinks it is a joke but it turns serious, and one game against the tigers Moose takes the ball up, and he encounters many defenders, but scores a touchdown. At the end of the game he says that he will never do it again. Geraldine Moore the poet talks about how Geraldine has nothing good in her life, she is in poverty, her mom is sick, and no one takes care of her, and she pays the bills. One day in English, when she forgot her homework to write a poem, she had another chance to write one, and she complained that the teacher thought it was a poem, and she said it was beautiful.
The three main characters Moose, Paul, and Geraldine are three separate people and have many different personalities from each other. Moose is from Just Once, he is said to look ugly but has a quick and nice grin, but on the football field he is aggressive, bold, and never lets someone pass him. In The Pigman and Me, Paul is the opposite of Moose. He is more timid, shy, and scared sometimes, because before the fight with Nonno Frankie he never knew how to fight and got frustrated when Nonno Frankie didn’t teach him anything for fighting so he could protect himself. Geraldine from Geraldine Moore the Poet, is a kind, nice girl, but since she has the bills coming in she is frustrated, discouraged, and unhappy she is alone and never having food from her sister. These three people are different in some way and never had a similarity probably because they all live a different life, like how Moose is famous, Paul is new, and Geraldine has a tough place in life, this is how they are all different from each other.
People’s mindsets on our individual life can let us see our own self images, which helps with our sights of getting better on our strengths and weaknesses. This is why people who want to help us give us advice to benefit ourselves other than them. In The Pigman and Me, Paul receives knowledge from Nonno Fankie about how to fight, he uses the sicilian tactic where you first scream and confuse the person and then kick him in the shins. Nonno Frankie cared for him so he helped him with fighting the people. In Just Once, Moose wanted to take the ball up, and many people agreed with him and disagreed. The back part of the people did not agree, while the front agreed with him, and even the people agreed. Soon the coach gave him the ball in a game, and that is everyone supporting him so he could get the ball and score a touchdown. Geraldine Moore the Poet talks about how Geraldine did not have a pretty life, but the English Teacher thought of it as a poem, and she wrote it on the board, this helped support Geraldine to be happier and forget everything like the bills. This is how people's mindset and how other people can help you strengthen your weaknesses and strong parts.
People think of dissimilarity because we have never been in the person's whole life every day, but we also try to solve our own problems in different ways.. In Geraldine Moore the Poet, Geraldine thinks her life is bad, and she is pessimistic about everything, this is because she has to look at bills, feed herself and her little sister, and she has to look over herself. But this all changed when the English teacher said that what she said was a wonderful poem, and she wrote it on the board, making Geraldine feel happier and more connected with the other people. In Just Once, Moose has a problem of not getting cheered for even though he has been doing the work, he is not cheered for, but he fixes it by trying to be taking the ball up to the touchdown. But after he noticed he is not meant to be there and he should celebrate his teammates win instead always focusing on himself. Paul, who is from The Pigman and Me has a problem of not knowing how to fight in the situation so Nono Frankie teaches him, but instead he solved it by whiffing and they thought it was the punch so he decided to go with it. This is how people think of the dissimilarity from these three people.
Knowing yourself is an essential piece in life, knowing yourself is when you can explain your emotions and your personality. Three stories The Pigman and Me, Just Once, and Geraldine Moore the Poet all talk about people who find out more about themselves. In the Pigman and Me, it talks about Paul who gets in a fight and at the end his sister saves him. In Just Once, Moose is famous but he wants to take the ball up, so one game he took the ball up, but he never wanted to do it again. In Geraldine Moore the Poet, Geraldine has nothing good in her life, but when her English teacher said to write a poem, she said her life is bad, and the teacher thought it was a poem, and put it on the board. The three main people have many differences in personality, like how Moose is strong, while Paul is weak, and Geraldine is nice. People who care for us, help us notice ourselves, like how Paul was taught by Nono Frankie to fight. Moose was encouraged by everyone who wanted him to take the ball up for a touchdown. Geraldine was encouraged by her teacher who helped her by saying that it was a wonderful poem she said. We all have different solutions and different thoughts, like in Just Once Moose is not cheered for so he tries to bring the ball up, which solved his solution. In Geraldine Moore the Poet Geraldine fixes her problem by making a beautiful poem, and in The Pigman and Me Paul fixes his problem by going with the act. These three stories talk about how knowing yourself is beneficial and they all have something in common with the characters.