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Kids’ doing Charity

Here’s My Dollar by Gary Soto is about a girl called Angel helping the zoo. She likes animals, so when she heard the zoo has money problems, she was worried about animals that lived in the zoo. She decided to write a letter to help the zoo, she also put a dollar into the envelope and sent it to the Fresno Bee. After a few days, they came to take a photo of Angel and Angel’s letter and her photo were published in the newsletter. People started to donate money. Angel put a bucket to let students donate money. Even people from other places also donate money. She went to other schools to donate money, and had an interview. Then, she went to Los Angeles to have a talk show, and there were more donations. Soon the zoo got enough money.

Even though you are not rich or a big boss of a company, you can still do charity. Donate money when someone or a zoo like in this book, needs help, help them. In the story, Angel wanted to help the zoo, so she donated 1 dollar and wrote a letter to let more people donate money and help the zoo get more money even though she didn't know the zoo needed 5 million dollars in order to have enough money. When you donate money and help them, you will feel that you are proud of ourselves.

Comparing to my traits and Angel’s traits, it is difficult to let me do what Andel did. A nine year old girl helps the zoo very much and she had no fear when reporters interviewed her and when she went to the talk show. If I were her, I wouldn't know what to do when a reporter interviews me or stands on a stage and talks to a lot of audience. So do things with no fear, do not be scared when you say something wrong.

Use more ways in modern society to let people know to help or donate money to fix the problem. With the help in the development of science and technology, we can let more people know about what you are going to do. In this book, Angel writes a letter to Fresno Bee and lets people donate. Maybe we can use the internet to let people help them. Find more ways to help them.

In the book Here’s my dollar, there are three themes. Help others even when you don’t know him or her. Don’t have fear when you are afraid of something like Angel, even though she is a nine year old girl. Use more ways to help someone using the internet and the development of science and technology.

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