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Kids’ doing Charity

The story, “ Here’s My Dollar”, written by Gary Soto, talks about a girl Angel Arellano raising money to take good care of zoo animals. On Thanksgiving, Angel, a 9-year-old girl, learns from her grandmother that the Chaffee Zoo faces money problems. Next minute, Angel writes a letter with a slogan “Give a dollar, save a life” to The Fresno Bee, the local newspaper with her donation of 1 dollar. Inspired by Angel’s letter, many people start to send in checks and dollar bills to the zoo. At school, Angel takes an empty water jar to collect money from schoolmates. Angel also is asked to make public appearances to talk about the zoo, like being interviewed by reports, and having a talk show on TV. She speaks from her heart to encourage more people to donate money to save animals. Successfully, Angel helped the Chaffee Zoo raise more than $600000.

It is not necessary for people to be rich, famous, or powerful in order to do charity. As long as people are willing to contribute their time, energy, and money to offer their help, anyone can do charity, even a child. Angel is just a normal nine-year-old girl but she does her very best to help the zoo animals solving money problems by donating her own money and asking others to donate their money. Doing charity is not limited to grow-ups or people who are rich, famous, or powerful. A young kid could do charity. It does not matter how big or how small the action of charity the person takes. The point is that a person has a big heart and he is willing to devote his time, energy, and money to offer his help, then he is doing charity. Any small action could turn into a tremendous impact. Everyone can do charity, even a child. A tiny little step can make a significant difference.

Doing charity for some people is relatively easy, but for others doing charity is kind of difficult. If people really want to do charity and make it work, people will not think it is hard or difficult. Angel didn’t know that the zoo needed three million dollars but knowing it did not stop her anyhow. Angel was a girl on a mission. Doing charity for me is both difficult and easy. It is easy if I just write a letter or make a poster because I don’t need to really talk in front of people to raise the money. But it is difficult for me if I have to give a talk on stage or on TV because I am a shy person and I would feel nervous while doing it, and then I might say or do the wrong things. However, if I really want to make the charity very successful, I will try my very best to be brave in front of the public. Maybe after that I would find that doing charity is actually not that difficult. Different people with different personalities will feel different feelings and opinions about doing charity.

With the help of more technological inventions, people in modern society have more variety to do charity. People in the past spread the news about charity in print, but people now use social media to inform the world. Twenty years ago, Angel wrote a letter to the local newspaper company and it was published. Then reporters came to Angel and made a report about her. The TV radio also invites Angel to come and have a talk. People in the past wrote a letter, made a poster, or published an article in a newspaper to spread the messages about charity out. But the number of people who know the news about charity might be limited to the local community, not the whole world. Now with developmental technology and social media, people can take pictures and post a message on Facebook, take a video and place it on youtube, and have a talk on a podcast. Within one day people all over the world will notice the situation on the internet and give help. The more modern social media people use, the more people all over the world know the news about charity, then the more donations the zoo will receive.

Here’s my Dollar” is a very inspiring story from a 9-year-old girl Angel Arellano about doing Charity. Angel’s action of doing charity informs readers that doing charity is not limited to rich, powerful, or famous people. Young kids can do charity and make a big difference. In addition, everyone has different opinions and feelings about doing charity. Some people might feel difficult while others might feel easy. But as long as people are very determined to do charity to help people or animals who need help, any action for doing charity is not that difficult at all. Moreover, people could make use of modern technology and social media, such as FaceBook, YouTuber, or Instagram, to spread the message and invite more people to do the charity. Doing charity could unite people in the community to do something good for the society. Everyone's small action of doing charity could make a tremendous difference for people or animals who are in need of help.

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