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Kids’ doing Charity

The story Here’s My Dollar, written by Gary Soto, is a non-fiction article. It talks about a nine-year-old girl named Angel Arellano who becomes aware of the financial difficulties faced by the local zoo so she wants to help. Because she thought that the animals in the zoo wouldn’t have a good habit, food and not enough care. Motivated to help, she embarks on a mission to support the zoo through various means, including doing public reports to get more attention and donate money. At the end, the zoo received $600,000. She even traveled to other countries where she shares her experiences and spreads awareness about the zoo's situation. All in all, she was a hero to save the zoo for animals.

Age, richness and celebrities are not mandatory when we do charity, it is our kindness and initiatives of helping motivate us to do so. We always thought that charity could only be done by adults, by rich men. It is Bill Gates’ or Elon Musk’s responsibility, but actually even a kid can do one. We also often see movie stars, singers, and famous sports stars to donate money to build schools and hospitals. In the story, Angel saved the zoo as an ordinary pupil without money. Thanks to her love for animals and her strong initiatives to save them, she tried all the ways to collect money, expanded her influence to the public. This strongly shows that charity is really not as hard as people thought. I hope all of us can do some charities no matter how old we are, how rich we are, as long as we donate our hearts to help, that’s the best charity ever.

A person who has confidence, persistence and leadership are more likely and easier than others to do charity. If we are a shy person, it would be more difficult to develop the motivation of doing charity. And without persistence, we would easily get frustrated or lose patience quickly. In the text, Angel is brave, she stood up and led her community to donate money to the Chaffee Zoo. She is also patient and never thought to stop in the whole mission. This shows Angel’s great personality which contains persistence, patience, confidence and leadership. I feel the way Angel is doing is hard for me. Because I am not an “open” person as she can do a great speech in public, but I will do charity in my own way, maybe to support her idea is one of the methods.

Modern society with the development of science and technologie can make information spread quicker than before and make it interesting to do charity in a new way. For example, nowadays, everybody likes to surf on the Internet and is easily attracted to different social media. The majority don’t read journals any more or listen to the radio. So if we still do charity by using TV, maybe it is not as effective as before. In the story, Angel appeared on several popular television shows which brought a lot of attention. This tells us the importance of using the current technologies correctly. If today, you ask me what is the best way to do charity, I would like to try “live commence” to sell something as a YouTuber or embed Chatgpt into a charity website, which will provide more accurate information and do better automated publishing activities.

The story "Here's My Dollar" conveys valuable moral lessons. It explores three key aspects. Firstly, it emphasizes that kindness and compassion are more important than factors such as age, wealth, or fame when it comes to engaging in charitable acts. Secondly, it suggests that individuals possessing qualities like confidence, persistence, and leadership are more inclined and better equipped to engage in charitable endeavors. Lastly, it acknowledges the potential of technology and scientific advancements in exploring new ways for charitable work. While Angel's story inspires, I personally hold a different perspective on animal welfare. I believe that the optimal way to improve the well-being of animals is to advocate for the closure of zoos and the liberation of animals into their natural habitats. However, I still encourage everyone to read this story, as it offers valuable insights.

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