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Kids' Doing Charity

This week’s nonfictional story tells about a girl named Angel that saved the whole zoo. After she heard that the zoo had financial problems, she was immediately in action. She first wrote a letter to The Fresno Bee with a dollar. Next, she read her newspaper letter to each classroom. Then, she took a tour to the zoo. After that, she made public appearances about the zoo. Lastly, she talked on a popular talk show. The zoo got millions of money because of Angel’s generous action. Her contribution was greatly appreciated by the zoo and the other supporters.

From Angel’s story, I learn that in order to do charity, you don’t have to be a millionaire, a celebrity, or an adult. It doesn’t really matter if you are wealthy or a grown up, what matters most is if you have a kind heart. Angel didn't choose to force others to donate money because she knows that forcing does not solve the problem, instead she learns to persuade others using creative ways and successfully help the zoo get over the financial problems.

When comparing my traits with Angel’s on this charity deed, I find it difficult for me to do it because I have stage-fright and always assume that it is better for me to help others in the back, but after reading Angel’s story, I realize that stepping on the stage is one of the most effective way to draw people’s attention and encourage others to do good deed. I am inspired by Angel to overcome my stage-fright. For example, I will make my speech more persuasive and practice more to be confident.

In modern society with the development of science and technology, there can be other ways to help the zoo to survive. Besides attending popular talk shows, writing letters, and making public appearances by the supporters, the zoo should consider ways to be self-sufficient, like making live broadcasts. By using even a cell phone with softwares, the staff in the zoo can put the animals in front of the camera and bring them closer to people. People don’t need to travel such a long way, instead they can interact and volunteer to pay money to the zoo online. This makes it much more convenient for those who are interested to get connected with the zoo. It can help them visually understand the zoo’s current situation and provide support online.

The inspirational story from Angel encourages us young children to do charity and help those in need. I don’t need to be a millionaire or an adult to do good deeds, and I can start by making small contributions to help others. I can overcome my stage-fright and be more confident, persuasive, and supportive. The zoo can utilize modern technology, such as live broadcasts, to attract more people’s attention. It is never too early or too late to do charity and let’s get started right away.

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