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Kids’ Doing Charity

One day, at Fresno, California, a girl named Angel learns from her Great-Grandma Sandy that the Chaffee Zoo is having money problems. Angel decided to help the zoo, she sent a message to a newspaper called Fresno Bee with a dollar and a slogan. Then put an empty water jug to collect money. After that she made a television talk to tell others to help the zoo and want volunteers. And then, she made T-shirts and caps for the same reason. Finally, the zoo had even more money from the community than they really needed before. Since then, the life and environment of Chaffee Zoo animals have been greatly improved.

From Angel’s story, we know that in order to do charity, we don't need to be rich, famous or powerful. In the story, Angel is just a common girl in a common family before, but she can still help the zoo out. In real life, I also participate in a charity in our community. We hope to raise money through a tennis match for the operation of two kids with congenital heart disease, but finally we helped four kids with congenital heart disease have surgery in April and May, just like what Angel did for the zoo. I am a common boy and all the helpers are also common. We are glad we did something amazing together. It is possible for anyone to help others with love.

Doing charity requires not only love, but also responsibility, communication skills and persistent efforts. Not only did Angel donate a dollar of her own money, but she also wrote letters to newspapers calling attention to the plight of zoos, put kettles in schools, asked people to donate money, and spoke in public. To compare my traits with Angel’s on this charity deed, I find it’s difficult to me at first, but when I do more and more charities with helpers, I think it’s easy for me now. I help congenital heart disease children and poor mountain village residents, just like how Angel helped the Chaffee zoo when it had money problems. Only if we tried to make charity once then we can make it better and help more people. Angels keep us from seeing that each of us can make a difference.

There are millions of ways in modern society with the development of science and technology. In the story, Angel let people know that the zoo was short of money by writing messages to newspapers, placing money jars, signing clothes and hats, giving public speeches and doing television interviews. My advantage is that I love science and technology. I think I can let more people who are not around me know that the zoo is short of money by making zoo publicity web pages and small games. This may raise enough money in a shorter time. I can also consult ChatGPT for suggestions, and also ask the AI for how to allocate the money. Science and technology can not only improve people's living standards, but also improve many problems in society, so that people and nature can be better and better.

In conclution, Angel and her family rescue the Chaffee Zoo with many solutions. I learned about charity from this article. Firstly, we don’t need to be rich, famous or powerful to do charity, kids can also solve problems for society. Second, charity is not easy, as long as we have the confidence and persist in trying in many ways, we can achieve our goal. Last but not the least, Science and technology can also help spread charity. After reading the story of angel, I think I will try to help others more in the future. I also hope that everyone can participate in charity and make the world a better place.

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