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Is wildfire good or bad?

Chaparrales are ecosystems that are hot and dry in the summer and in winters, where the weather is mild and damp and wildfires frequently appear. Wildfires might appear because flammable plants grow in the fire season, shrubs could catch fire or when a human leaves a campfire or matchstick in the area. Without the wildfires, shrubs could spread too much. Wildfires are once in a while beneficial and it keeps plant growth under control and helps with regeneration. I think wildfires are good if not caused by human mistakes.

Wildfires are a natural part of the ecosystem. They are nature’s way to clean the environment and can help clean dead litters. There are many ways wildfires could occur, for example, in Yellowstone Park, many wildfires were caused by lightning strikes and the most famous one is the 1988 wildfire, where 36% of the park were affected. Most of the wildfires had gone out naturally or stopped by rain and snow. Although the wildfires are destructive, the plants and wildlife in the ecosystem can recover immediately.

Wildfires are important to keep the ecosystem healthy. Wildfires keep the plant growth under control, without wildfires, shrubs will take over the ecosystem and the ecosystem would be a huge mess from all the dead litter and others. Wildfires cleans the forest floor, opens it up to sunlight and nourishes the soil. Some plants actually require fire to help with their growth, for example, pine tree seeds are enclosed in pine cones that need high temperature to open it. Wildfires are helpful for some species to reproduce and give animals nutrition.

Smaller controlled wildfires can help prevent big ones. Big wildfires are harmful for an ecosystem, however smaller wildfires can help clean up the dead layer of plants, hence it can prevent big wildfires. It minimizes the destruction and reduces the animals that die from the big wildfire. The smaller wildfires also make it easier to put out, so compared to a big wildfire, sometimes the firefighters are able to put it out more quickly.

Wildfires, just like wind and rain, are part of the natural process. Wildfires are important because it helps the ecosystem and the environment healthy. It provides rich nutritions for the wildlife and helps the plants to regenerate. Also, smaller wildfires can help to prevent big wildfires.

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