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Is Wildfire Good or Bad?

In nature, there are chaparral ecosystems. These are rare animal and plant communities in the wild. It is located in California, Australia, Chile, South Africa, and Mexico. Some features are that it has a specific weather pattern and a shrubland. We can ask,“What kinds of disadvantages does a wildfire cause?” “Did anybody do any disservice?” “Can wildfires be good?” I think wildfires are bad. That is my opinion, and not a fact. Wildfires are helpful when it comes to plants reproducing. There are plants in the chaparral ecosystem that cannot reproduce unless there has been a fire. Fires keep shrubs under control. We could help by not not littering or putting cigarettes, cigars, matches, and campfires on the ground. In the following are three reasons why I think wildfires are bad.

First, wildfires kill animals and plants. When wildfires hit the animals’ habitats, the animals have no home, so they will die. Maybe animals could get burned by wildfire. Animals will try their best to escape, but wildfires spread quickly. They light trees, then the trees light other dry woods, and then the animals have fire all around them. Animals can jump, but fires can get higher and burn the animals’ stomachs in the middle of when they are jumping the ring of fire. After dry woods burn, dirt and soil burn and ruin the land. Farmers cannot farm without fertile soil. Plants and animals die when fires burn everything around them.

Next, wildfires ruin economy. Wildfires burn important and interesting things, and that state’s economy goes down. Wildfires burn national parks, which gives the state a loss. National parks give the state most of its economy because people buy souvenirs there. When no people come to the national parks, there will be no more economy. People can set a wildfire on purpose, and call other bad people to come. Then more bad things happens, and that state is ruined. Somebody can ruin the White House just like it was ruined in the War of 1812. It was burned in 1814. We don’t want others to do the same thing, so we shouldn’t allow wildfires to burn furiously.

Lastly, humans and their hard work are endangered or ruined. Humans are important, and if they go near wildfires, they could also get burnt. Humans’ hark work are structures and inventions. If they are gone, then humans have “wasted” their energy trying to do things. If nothing is left, then humans would be discouraged from building more. If there are no more structures, then the world would be a bad place to live. There would be no happiness or anything happy. Now there are no wildfires, so the world is happy. Everybody is motivated to build, invent, and discover things. They have freedom, rights, and entrepreneurship. After wildfires, the people would not show these. Wildfires are dangerous.

These are the three reasons why I don’t like wildfires. I don’t like wildfires because it should help people, not harm things. Wildfires could be better if they help most of the plants reproduce. They should keep all plants under control, not only one. If anything could be better in wildfires, then it would be to help everything and harm no things.

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