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Is Medical Science Advanced Enough Nowadays?

Medical science nowadays is a lot better than in the past decades, but we have still been suffering covid-19 for nearly 3 years. Medical science is a very necessary part of our life and scientists keep inventing more helpful medicines for diseases. But, can we fully rely on medical science nowadays? If we can, why are we still suffering covid-19? In human history, the black death in Europe, leprosy in ancient China, SARS in China in 2003, and H1N1 in North America in 2009 are all diseases that we suffer from at different times. They all make a great impact on medical science but still are really terrible for people at that time. So, medical science isn't advanced enough and people are still developing and improving it.

During the development of people, we are living with different kinds of diseases(plague). Some examples are the black death, leprosy, SARS, H1N1, also covid-19 currently happens. Black death, which happens in Europe, is a deadly disease caused by bacteria, "bubo", fever, exhaustion, and infections of the blood and lungs are all its symptoms. This disease had killed a third of people in Europe but was now stopped because of the scientific research for antibiotics and pesticides to control fleas and rats that carry them and less contact between people and rats. Leprosy is also very scary and the symptoms of it are a runny nose; dry scalp; eye problems; skin lesions; muscle weakness; reddish skin etc. In 2020, there were still 127,506 people who got this disease and there are anti-leprosy medications to cure this, even though the damage to people’s bodies is permanent. H1N1, which caused 18,138 people to die and is infected by bacteria. Also, SARS is a contagious disease and its fatality rate is 11%.

For these diseases, there are many similarities between them and the most obvious one is that they all have a great influence on people’s lives. Either the black death, leprosy, or SARS, H1N1, and covid-19 nowadays, they’re all diseases, and lots of people suffer from the disease. The beginning of them is from animals and many kinds of bacteria. Black death is from fleas, leprosy is from Mycobacterium leprae, SARS and covid-19 are from a strain of coronavirus, and H1N1 is from an influenza A virus. These different kinds of bacteria lead to different large virus transmission at different periods of time. And all of them made many people die. The black death killed nearly 100 million people, leprosy still made 127,506 people die in 2020, 151,700-575,400 people died because of H1N1, the fatality rate of SARS is 11%, and there are 661 thousand people died of covid-19. So, these diseases have made many tragedies in our life and we’re still getting to know more about medical science and bacteria from these things.

On the other hand, these diseases are different in some other parts. These diseases, the only disease which disappeared completely is the black death. This is because there is less contact between people and rats and scientists found out how to prevent it. For others like SARS and H1N1, even though scientists had found one way to cure the disease, it was still not able to let the disease totally disappear, just letting people who suffer this be healthy again, and not considering the bad impact of the medicine. Then, the number of people getting this disease is increasing over years and it won’t stop for a long time. Also, the only thing better is there’ll be fewer people getting this disease as time passes and the disease will be much more harmless than before as the virus will be changing over time.

Overall, whatever the outcome is after one disease happens and spreads over the continent or all over the world, it might have some bad effects on our life. These diseases happen because of many different reasons and it’s inevitable in human history. However, everything has two sides. Although these diseases make people’s lives not that easy in that period of time, they still can help the research of medical science improve and “force” people to find out or develop more ideas of some other kind of medicine to deal with the problem in medical science that people face. So, medical science is enough for common diseases but if there’s a new kind of disease, scientists need to develop a new medicine.

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