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Is Medical Science Advanced Enough Nowadays?

Diseases in the world have been a huge threat to our world for the past history of human-kind. The recent pandemic that happened, COVID-19, killed millions of people all around the world. Young people have finally experienced what the danger of diseases or viruses can be. When a disease or virus has an outbreak, scientists in the medical field try to quickly find a cure for the problem before the human population will die out. In our COVID-19 case, the scientists have made a vaccine for the virus. Scientists usually make antibiotics or vaccines for the cures of diseases. Scientists have to quickly find out the cures and test the cures out in many stages in order for them to come out, meaning that it will take quite a while. There are a lot more improvements that can be made to the medical field, in order for people around the whole world to completely trust them.

Imagine a third of the population suddenly dying in just a short period of time. That is what had happened with the Black Death. The Black Death was the result of the interaction between rodents and humans. It was very contagious and had many symptoms. Swollen gland, fever, exhaustion, and infected lungs and blood are some of the symptoms of the Black Death. It is important to note that the Black Death is also very lethal to the human body, causing death. 50 million people got infected by the Black Death, and half of them died, causing one third of the population to go down at that time. In 1894, a scientist named AEJ Yersin discovered the treatment for the Black Death. They used antibiotics in order to treat the Black Plague, but also soon invented a vaccine after the antibiotic. People gradually got less contact with rats, lessening the Black Plague’s power.

SARS was another pandemic that had happened recently. In the Fall of 2002, SRAS had a sudden outbreak in the province of Guangdong in China that quickly spread to 29 other countries just as it was started. The SRAS was caused by a virus in the coronavirus group. The symptoms of SARS are headaches and other types of discomfort in your body. There was a 10 percent fatality rate, meaning that 1 in 10 people will die from SARS when infected, but only 774 people had died. It was easy to control because it was only contagious when people got the symptoms of SARS, meaning that you could know when you were sick, and wouldn’t infect others when you are not sick. Ribavirin is the treatment they had for SARS. Ribavirin didn’t show much effectiveness on patients. The SARS was gone after the enforcement of strict public health interventions, like social distancing. SARS was a dead virus, but was easily killed off with strict health regulations by the government.

H1N1 was another virus that affected the world recently in North America. H1NI was a new virus that came to North America, quickly spreading to different places in the world. There are many possible symptoms of this disease, just like any other disease in the world. For example, the fever, aching in the muscles, and a sore throat are just some of the symptoms that H1N1 has. The fatality rate of H1N1 is pretty low, 0.01% - 0.03%,  but there was an estimated amount of 150,000 to 575,000 people that have died from this virus. This means that even though it is not very deadly, it is still very contagious amongst humans. A cure for H1N1 was the neuraminidase inhibitors. This helps lessen the effects of H1P1, therefore helping it stop. Many diseases like H1N1 are stopped by their cures.

COVID-19, the most notorious and dangerous we have had so far. Most of the people in the world have experienced, COVID-19 so far. We don’t know the exact cause of COVID right now but we only know that it is closely related to a disease we just talked about, SARS. There are also a lot of different symptoms of COVID too, like cough, fever, and fatigue. There is also a chance that you would get a long term effect on COVID-19, meaning that you would be sick even though there isn’t COVID in your body anymore. COVID-19 has killed an estimated ranging from 1.34-1.46 million in the Region of the Americas to 1.11-1.21 million in the European Region in 2020. Once the virus came out scientists raced to find effective treatments for COVID, which eventually was a vaccine. With the help of doctors and many other factors, COVID has lessened.

Scientists in the world have helped us survive many different pandemics in the world, but I think there are many ways that they could improve. If the scientists had a quicker schedule to actually bring the treatment out to the world,  it would be much better for our world. Also, it could be much easier if there was also a very effective medicine that we could easily use at home before it gets too serious. In this essay I’ve talked about the many diseases that the world has faced throughout its years. These diseases have all proven to be deadly for humans and the world. Helping out with the medical field would be great for the world.

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