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Is Medical Science Advanced Enough Nowadays?

Throughout centuries there are always sickness and illness that cause millions to die, but we managed to stop it and find a cure for it every time, but the question is, is our medical knowledge advanced enough for the world we live in right now? I would say that it is already extremely advanced, there would always be difficulty with types of sickness and disease and not all of them we are going to be saving, but our medical team has enough medical knowledge for this present. We can always avoid contact with the people who has the disease this will stop the spread. Sometimes we never listen to our medical staff and we kept on socializing it is not their fault for not telling us because they did, but some of us just never listen and follow their rules. I would say that our medical science is right now advanced enough for nowadays but people need to actually listen to our medical staff for the treatment or whats the point of having a medical staff. Many diseases are killing millions of innocent people just because of people not having enough money or claim to not have enough medical science in their area. It is never true that a doctor does not have enough knowledge about medical science, if they don’t they would not be a doctor, it is our responsibility to try and avoid these disease even if its definite that it will reach you.

People kept asking if we can fully rely on medical science nowadays, but I am entirly sure that we can. Many and all of the medicine that we have is prescripted by the doctor and made by the doctor, if we don’t listen to them and use their medications we will make a fool out of ourselves because why take their medications if you never follow the prescription given to you. We can rely on medical science nowadays because its extremely advance. All the diseases through out the centries is resolved and solved by the doctors and staff. If some people for some reason still does not trust the doctor then you cannot blame the medical science’s fault. The best solution for all diseases is not get in touch and not contact the person or the surrounding that have it. We can all get effected if we stay always so close to those that have it, but if we kept our distance from the scene then nothing bad will happen to us. We always need to be careful of our surround and our friends when sickness and illness is spreasing. There are about 151,700 - 575,400 that had been effected by the swine flu also know as the H1N1 that had happened in January 2009, swine flu was caused by pigs and birds they contain a substance that may have been exposed to others now they contain the disease and spreads to us humans. At this moment its not all about the medications or the doctors its truly about your routines and how clean and formal you are. Because if you were a very dirty and routine less person then you would touch public bars and seats and then touch other parts of your body that cause the swine flu spread, we should never touch a public things because fist we do not know what is is second it could be touched by a patient of some sickness, we will never know. So as a result it is the best way to isolate yourself from big crowds and be safe in your own environment.

In the recent disease Covid 19, there is about 6,615,759 in total that has died during the time, you might think its alot but it really isn’t if we compare this statistics with the from the past when a famous and deadly disease black death had occured, it is about 25,000,000 people around the world that had died during it. We can see that now our medical science advanced we had 5 times fewer death than from before, and its all to our medical teams. Whenever bad hapens we tend to blame it on the medical science and doctors but we never considered what good things they did for us, although there are death they tried there best, they worked day and night and always in contact with people having covid 19 this is why covid 19 had vaccines they developed it from all of their hard work and we all have to thank them for it they had helped people when we are sleeping and they are still helping people even after the crises is over. So we can always trust the medical science, even though trusting medical science is a very efficeient and helpful way to be avoid but you also have to be extra careful yourselves you can not just expect disease will not come to you so we always have to be prepared for what comes first. There are also disease called SARS, SARS is a unknown disease discovered by a scientist nobody here today knows what caused this very rare pulmonary disease, its pulmonary because it effects the lungs. Sars which stand for Severe acute respiratory syndrome, makes your breathing hard and sometimes pain in the lungs, although its a very small disease still 773 people died from it there is a 10% chance to die of this disease, you will be only effected by it if you sneeze on an object and the other person makes contact with it or breathes the same air they just breathed, only way to prevent the spread is by not been in contact with other people.

Many and all of the drugs we have are prescribed and manufactured by doctors; if we do not listen to them and utilize their meds, we will seem foolish because why use their medications if you never follow the prescription provided to you? We can all be affected if we stay too near to individuals who have it, but if we keep away from the situation, nothing awful will happen to us. In the recent disease Covid 19, there are approximately 6,615,759 deaths in total; you may think this is a lot, but it isn't when we compare this statistics to those from the past when a famous and deadly disease was present. The disease named black death had occurred, killing approximately 25,000,000 people worldwide. We can see that as medical science advanced, we had 5 times fewer deaths than before, and this is entirely due to our medical teams. Some diseases are hardly seen and can be effected even if you are not close to people that have it like malaria, many people gets mosquito bites everyday but you never know if it contain any disease or not which means this would just be your luck and what position you are living in. Now we can see that not many disease is capable of spreading through verbal communicating and contact with the patient which means we need to be extra care to these types. A very severe and painful disease named atypical pneumonia in 1994 has caused 4 people to die. The atypical pneumonia is a disease that makes your lung swollen and lung tissue become infected with germs and bacteria. If thinking about how those 4 died it would be very painful since they have suffered from a major infection in their lungs, causing weeze and are no worse than drowning, and the only way to prevent the spread is the same as SARS we need to stay away from people that makes physical contact with you.

In conclusion, to answer the question is our medical science advanced enough nowadays, it definitely is, but it can always improve better. People kept asking if we can fully rely on medical science nowadays, but I am entirly sure that we can. The best solution for all diseases is not get in touch and not contact the person or the surrounding that have it. In the recent disease Covid 19, there is about 6,615,759 in total that has died during the time, you might think its alot but it really isn’t if we compare this statistics with the from the past when a famous and deadly disease black death had occured, it is about 25,000,000 people around the world that had died during it. We can see that now our medical science advanced we had 5 times fewer death than from before, and its all to our medical teams. In the recent disease Covid 19, there are approximately 6,615,759 deaths in total; you may think this is a lot, but it isn't when we compare this statistics to those from the past when a famous and deadly disease was present. We can see that as medical science advanced, we had 5 times fewer deaths than before, and this is entirely due to our medical teams. Best examples of many popular disease would be Covid 19 in 2019, SARS in 2002, Swine flu or also know as H1N1 in 2009. These disease is all effected if you make contact with the patient that has the disease or sneeze which you spread the disease on objects. It shows that all disease has to spread through physical and molecule movement so we have to becareful about where we are and what we touch.

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