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Is Ike a good dog? No

Hello, my name is Ellie Liu. I am the Prosecutor of this case about Ike LaRue. It is a pleasure to represent Ike LaRue in this very important case. The defendant is accused of stealing Mrs. LaRue’s chicken pie, chasing the neighbor’s cats, howling, and also tearing his owner’s very best coat. Apparently, Ike was very spoiled and misbehaved. Ike was sent to a doggy “school” by his owner to correct his misbehaviors. Ike wrote many letters to clear up his “misconceptions” with his owner. Although the letters Ike used to defend himself seemed very reasonable and showed that he was sincerely sorry for what he did, it was actually just some lies and excuses. This shows that Ike was not only a selfish dog who blamed others for his misbehaviors, but he was also a dog who felt no remorse for what he did. Here I would show you how Ike twisted around the bad things he did.

Stealing his owner’s chicken pie was one of the disobedient things Ike did. He stole the chicken pie which was supposed to be Mrs. LaRue’s dinner. Ike defended himself saying that his master did not tell him not to eat the pie. However, Mrs. LaRue didn’t tell Ike to eat the pie either. He should’ve left the pie there and do what his master told him to do, not just eating the pie without Mrs. LaRue’s permission. Pets are supposed to obey their master’s orders. They should not do something without permit from their owners. Ike, on the other hand, ate Mrs. LaRue’s own pie without even asking. This all proves that Ike was naughty and misbehaved so that he stole his owner’s chicken pie.

Ike also chased the neighbor’s cats. He claimed that the cats were on the fire escape ladder, and he was actually trying to get them down by chasing them. But we also need to consider the fact that he was most likely the one who chased them up the fire escape, because dogs often chase cats. Ike might’ve wanted to get the cats down to cover up his misbehavior. This also explains why the cats were crying out loudly and refused to come down. The reason is that Ike was down there and they were so afraid of the dog. Ike was doubtlessly the one who made the cats go on fire escape. Therefore, it was his own fault that he got punished and not the cat’s.

Another of the bad things Ike had done is howling loud enough to disturb the neighbors. However, Ike’s owner, Mrs. LaRue wasn’t there when this happened. So, Ike’s plea was the neighbors are lying and he did not actually howl that much. Yet if the neighbors couldn’t even be trusted, why trust a dog? This concludes that Ike is presumably the one who was actually lying to defend himself. Also, Ike claims that the neighbors were disturbing him with loud vacuuming and he could not sleep in the afternoon. But it is normal for people to vacuum in the afternoon and Ike could also sleep at night. He doesn’t need to howl for survival. It was not the neighbor’s fault that they disturbed Ike because vacuuming is a normal chore for people to do during the daytime, which is not time to sleep. Howling was a very bad thing Ike had done.

Ike the dog did many bad things while living with his owner. He stole Mrs. LaRue’s chicken pie, chased the neighbor’s cats, and howled. Although Ike defended himself by saying he was misunderstood, there are still many points which we could see to prove that Ike is only lying and making excuses for his mistakes. He stole Mrs. LaRue’s pie yet he said that it was actually his owner’s own fault because she didn’t tell him not to eat the pie. However, Mrs. LaRue didn’t tell Ike to eat it either. When he said he was only trying to help the neighbor’s cats get down from the fire escape by chasing them, Ike was undoubtedly the one who chased them up. Ike said that the neighbor's vacuuming was disturbing him in his afternoon sleep so he howled. But it is necessary for the neighbors to vacuum in the afternoon and not for Ike to sleep because he could sleep in the night. We could see from these points that Ike is a very mean and selfish dog. Instead of learning from his own mistakes and feeling genuinely sorry for his actions, Ike only putted his effort into making excuses and blaming others.

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