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Is Ike a Good Dog? No

Good morning, my name is Dora, the prosecutor in this case. It is my pleasure to represent the people of this state. The defendant, Ike LaRue, in this case is accused of stealing chicken pie , chasing neighbor’s cats, howling in the middle of the night, and also ripping his owner’s very best coat. At the conclusion of the case we will ask for a verdict of not guilty. He gets sent away because he has many bad doings, and did things that did not please his owner. For example, Ike steals chicken pie when he was not supposed to do so, and he did not have chicken pie for dinner. Next, he chases the Hibbins cats and scares them much just to let the cats off the fire escape. Then, he tears his owner’s very best camel coat, and he does not say sorry. Lastly, Ike howls all through the night, making the neighbors sleep bad every day. Ike was punished and sent to obedience school for these reasons.

Ike is not a good dog firstly because he steals chicken pie right off the kitchen counter without any permission. Even though he loves chicken pie, he should not have taken it without his master’s permission, just as any other pet should have. Every pet has to obey this rule of listening to their master, and do everything that is not in their normal routine with their master’s permission. As Mrs. LaRue is the owner of the house, doing anything should be under her permission. Anyways, Ike doesn’t need the chicken pie to survive, so he shouldn’t have done what he knew was wrong. Ike did not ask permission from Mrs. LaRue, so stealing the chicken pie is his own wrong doings, not the fault of any other person.

Also, Ike is the one that made his neighbor’s cats crazy and ill for three whole days, chasing them down the fire escape scaring the souls out of them. Ike chases the cats down the fire escape, scaring them as they have never been on something high like the fire escape. Apart from that, it was probably also Ike who chased them up the fire escape, as cats are not very brave and won’t climb so high by themselves. Also, it is dog’s nature to chase, so Ike would probably have chased the cats both up and down the fire escape. If Ike had just left the cats alone and not bothered them from the start, Ike would not be in any trouble. Even if the cats were on the fire ladder by themselves, Ike could have just called the cats’ owner. We can clearly see that scaring the neighbor’s cats is Ike’s fault.

Thirdly, Ike howling loudly was not necessary, while vacuuming is very necessary as it is a part of daily life. Ike could have not howled, but the neighbors could not do no vacuuming. Vacuuming is more important than sleeping for a reason. If the floor is not vacuumed for one day, then the floor will be extremely dirty, and people would not like dirt on floors. If someone did not sleep for just one day, even though they might have a little bit of black on their eyes, they would still be able to carry on throughout the day without much tiredness as when dosing asleep. Also, if Ike says that the neighbor’s complaining is not trustworthy, then he should also be equally treated, and not be labeled as trustworthy. We can be sure that it is Ike’s own fault that he howled throughout the night.

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen of the jury, again my name is Dora, and I am the prosecutor in this case. I am here to clearly state that the things Ike has done are very wrong and he should be accused of his own fault. First, we can clearly see that Ike stealing chicken pie off the counter without his owner’s permission is something wrong. Second, Ike chasing the neighbor’s cats is also very wrong doing. He could just have left the cats with their owner and not care about the cats. Third, the case is Ike complaining about vacuuming and the neighbors complaining about Ike’s loud howls. Vacuuming is more important than sleeping as no one likes the floor dirty with many specks of dust. Ike is not very gentle when playing. He also doesn’t communicate well and behaves roughly around everyone. We can confirm that Ike is a bad dog.

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