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Is Captain Sully a Hero?

Captain Sullenburg, or Captain Sully for short, is a well known American hero. Known for saving a plane with 150 passengers on board by doing a water landing. It was Thursday, January 15, 2009 he was flying Flight 1549 from New York to Charlotte, North Carolina. Suddenly, they lost an engine after crashing into a flock of geese at between 2,900 and 3,000 feet (884 and 914 meters); he tried to restart it, but to no avail. He had 2 choices, either to head to a nearby airport or do a water landing. He noticed he was never going to make it in time so he told the passengers to brace themselves for a water landing. It was very successful as no one died. Most of them had hypothermia, and a few had injuries but they weren’t severe. The result of the crash was pretty good for a plane crash, most had hypothermia, and only a few had injuries. This became known as “Miracle on the Hudson'', Captain Sully was proclaimed as a hero for saving everyone and even made a movie about this event, starring Tom Hanks as Sully.

There are many reasons why people love Sully, but most love him for saving everyone. There were in total 150 passengers and 5 crew members on board, and he saved all of them. This is extremely rare for plane crashes as even experiencing a plane crash is 1 out of 5.4 million, making the chance of no one dying, even smaller. And water landings are rare too, and usually more people die because it's usually in the freezing ocean. Captain Sully was lucky to be flying over the Hudson River, the temperature of the water is much warmer than the ocean. And how he landed the plane was pretty impressive too, it landed in one piece. None of the parts fell off, which is rare too. All the passengers were ok, which is the most important part. They all survived thanks to Sully and his amazing skills.

People love Sully for his characteristics too, he is brave, calm, smart, and talented. Which are some of the characteristics you need, to be a good person. Captain Sully was loved and adored by many people, he has many great elements that make him a good person. First of all, he is very brave, when the plane lost engines he didn’t panic, he stayed perfectly calm. If he wasn’t calm, he would probably be stressed, and when a person is stressed, they can’t think clearly. He is also very smart, he knew he wouldn’t be able to make it to his destination in time so he did a water landing. Adding on that, he is very talented, as when he landed, the plane was in one piece, nothin fell off. The only thing damaged was the fuselage. He has many other amazing characteristics and these are just a few. These are the basic characteristics of him: brave, calm, smart, and talented.

The survival of the plane crash had a major impact on the passengers. Every single one of them were thinking that this was the end of their lives. But they were very wrong, because with Sully’s amazing skills they landed safely. Ten years after the crash the passengers still remembered the event clearly in their minds. When they were interviewed, a man named Tripp Harriss said, “Everything that I could think about during the ordeal was the things I was going to miss if I didn't survive." Another passenger under the name of Pam Seagle said, “It certainly gave me some clarity around my life priorities and the importance of my family.” Another quote was from a flight attendant, she said, “I have a lot more gratitude about my life, I have three grandsons I possibly would never have seen.” Everyone noticed how fragile and important life was. They started to mend their relationships with others, noticing that they only had one life and they should make it a good one.

As you can see, Captain Sully was a hero to everyone, even the ones who weren’t on board during the ordeal. He saved everyone on board making himself famous. He made his decision to do a water landing instead of trying to land at a nearby airport really fast. He has many great characteristics including bravery, calmness, smarts, and skill. He was very brave and calm even when the plane lost engine, if he wasn’t, something bad would have happened. He made a great impact on the passengers by just saving their lives. They noticed that life was short, and they only had one, so they’d better live their life as best as they can. Captain Sully was amazing and made a great impact on everyone, and has many great characteristics that make him a good guy. Therefore, Captain Sully is definitely a hero.

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