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Is Captain Sullenberger A True Hero?

Miracle on the Hudson is about the incident that happened aboard US Airways Flight 1549. Captain Chesley Sully Sullenberger was in control and he left the airport with 150 passengers and five crew members. Suddenly, at an altitude of less than 3000 feet, the unthinkable happened; a flock of Canadian Geese crashed straight into the plane, disabling both engines. Sully made multiple attempts to restart the engines, but in vain. He realized that he would have to go for a nearby New Jersey airport, which he probably can’t get to in time, or take his chances and land in the Hudson River. Sully decided to go with the second option, and he told the passengers to prepare for impact. Surprisingly, there were no deaths, and there were only five major injuries other than some cases of hypothermia. The passengers were whisked away by rescue boats, and Sully was recognized as a hero.

Sully is a hero because he saved everybody’s lives. Of course, there were some considerable injuries, they could be treated. How Flight 1549 touched down was a rare case of safe emergency landing. If you look at other incidents of crash landings, you can tell that in most cases of airplane accidents, there are no or very few survivors. Luckily, Sully had a lot of experience, and that would matter a great deal in a situation like this. Ultimately, he was able to make the right choice, for if he had gone down the other path, that is, to try to land in a New Jersey airport, the plane might have stalled and ran out of power too early. Through his great intellect, Captain Sully was able to save the lives of many other people.

Sully was experienced, wise, and calm, and that’s what made him able to save the passengers’ lives. In the kind of situation he was going through, most pilots would have panicked and thought irrationally. Thankfully, Sully managed to keep his composure, so he was able to make the right choice, because most people can’t think properly when they are nervous. Sully was also very experienced as he had flown for about 20000 hours, so he had great knowledge about what to do. Sully did not get too nervous and used his knowledge about flight. As a result, he was able to save everybody onboard the airplane.

Sully was a hero because his miraculous landing reminded the passengers that family was their top priority in this life. One of the flight attendants stated that she would never have gotten to meet her three grandsons if the landing had failed. Others, like Tripp Harris, would have never seen their family again if they died. Those who had survived realized that their top priority in life was family. Sully was a hero because he helped others recognize what life was all about. Good topic but the writing is not.

Miracle on the Hudson is about what happened to US Airways Flight 1549 when it crashed into a flock of Canadian Geese on its way to Charlotte, North Carolina. Thanks to the daring water landing made by Captain Sully Sullenberger, all of the passengers and crew members survived. Sully was able to perform this miracle of an emergency landing due to his experience, composure, quick thinking, and bravery. If he had lacked any of these qualities, the landing would have been much more rough, but thankfully, nothing went wrong, and Sully was honored as a hero for this feat. Sully’s miracle also helped remind the passengers that life was all about family.

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