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Introduction of My Favorite Art - The Creation of Adam

Among the many world renowned artworks such as The Girl with Pearl Earrings by Johannes Vermeer, The Scream by Edvard Munch, and The last supper by Leonardo Da Vinci, the one that stands out as my favorite is The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo. Michelangelo started painting it in 1511 and finished it in about 16 days. The Creation of Adam is a renaissance and fresco painting and although it took Michelangelo only 16 days to paint it, it is considered one of the most complex paintings to make and was one of the most famous paintings of his time. This painting was made on the ceiling of the sistine chapel and it shows the profound moment when god created life.

What makes this piece of art so special is that Michengelo painted it focusing on two main characters which clearly shows the emotion and human connection between God and Adam. God is flying through the air with several angels surrounding him while Adam is lying down in a relaxed position pointing his finger at God. Michelangelo did an amazing job painting the picture realistically. God has thick curly hair and a beard that makes it seem as if God is flying towards Adam. The detail of his clothes and his muscular body makes him look strong and powerful. Adam looks as strong as God but he is nude and is lying in a relaxed position on the ground. Adam has brown hair whereas God has gray hair which shows that God is old but Adam is young like the life cycle. The creation of Adam shows Michelangelo's masterful technique and also the close relationship between God and humans that was unique for the religious art at that time.

Out of many impressive details in The Creation of Adam, my favorite part is where God is almost touching Adam's finger but isn’t actually. The space between their fingers shows the mystery and beauty of creation. God's finger is pointed forcefully at Adam with strength which shows that God has the power and determination to give life to Adam. While Adam’s finger is open and relaxed as he does not have to make any effort in order to be granted the gift of life. The energy between the two reaching hands reflects the special moment God passed life on to Adam. Michengelo painted this monumental religious painting through this simple but powerful touch of God and Adams fingers. The hand reaching out but not quite touching is a crucial part of the painting that makes it so inspiring and moving.

The beauty of the art is how each individual sees it from their own distinct perspective, interpreting the simplesome and understanding the meaning behind the work. The creation of Adam inspires us to see from different points of view and inspires us to dig into the meaning behind it. The original meaning of the painting is to show when God gave life to Adam and therefore gave life to all of mankind. But some people think that the shape around God is like the human brain which could represent God did not only give Adam life, but he also gave him intelligence. From my point of view, the drapery around god looks like a real sideways heart. This means that Michengelos might not be trying to tell us that God is in our brain, but in our hearts instead. Michelangelo portrayed the creation of life in a simple but powerful way which may hide rich meaning behind.

The Creation of Adam is one of the most important frescos that represented the renaissance. Unlike other Renaissance artists, Michelangelo created original compositions rather than follow the strict religious traditions. He focused on two main characters instead of focusing on background elements which vividly created an important religious story about the creation of life. For me, the greatest beauty of this artwork is the almost touching fingers and how people can find multiple meanings behind it from their own perspective. The creation of Adam is one of humans greatest artworks and spiritual achievement which attracts millions to view it in person each year, while even more recognize it as the true jewel in his and our time through the copies and the internet.

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