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Introduction of My Favorite Art - The Birth of Venus

My favorite artwork is The Birth of Venus. In mythology, Venus was conceived when Titan Cronus castrated his father, Uranus, whose genitals fertilized the sea. The Birth of Venus depicts the moment when Venus came down from the sea to Paphos, Cyprus. It is called "the birth of Venus". This work actually shows that the goddess of love and beauty arrived on the land of Cyprus Island, was born in the waves of the sea, and was blown there by the wind, the west wind, and perhaps Aura. The goddess stood on a huge fan shell, pure and perfect like a pearl. Now, The Birth of Venus is exhibited in the Uffizi gallery museum.

The complementary colors of the birth of venus is a very eye-catching place. His rich and colorful colors, combined with his excellent art skills, have formed this beautiful and vivid painting. However, 'The Birth of Venus' has a bright color that' The Fable of Spring 'does not have: it is painted with a mixture of egg yolk and light pigments, looking like a mural. Some naturalistic details are adorned with gold. Botticelli used the best pigments, including ultramarine Lazurite, copper resinate, cinnabar, lapis lazuli, ochre, red lake and white lead. The tones are established using semi transparent applications of ochre, white, vermilion, and red lakes, carefully layered with small strokes.

In addition to the color of this painting, the author also needs to have extremely high artistic skills and because Botticelli uses a lot of expensive materials, he put a lot of his effort and money on making his painting better and more realistic. Under the guidance of Filippo Lippi, Botticelli was proficient in murals and panel art. This is how Botticelli's Renaissance art extensively adopted a linear perspective. This painting style creates a deep impression on the flat surface. He was able to integrate figures and setting into harmonious compositions and to draw the human form with a compelling vitality.

Another eye-catching point is his size. The birth of Venus is approximately 6 feet by 9 feet. This artwork is also known as the "first large-scale canvas created by Florence during the Renaissance. This painting is very large, and this is a panel painting, supported by cheaper canvas. As large-scale depictions of classical mythological themes, they are almost unprecedented in Western art since ancient times. The large size of this painting makes it look very beautiful overall, and because the author of this painting has put a lot of effort and money into it, it also makes it more vivid and beautiful because of the large scale of the painting.

The Birth of Venus "is a beautiful Renaissance oil painting masterpiece created by Sandro Botticello. This painting depicts the birth of Venus in a very mysterious way. Venus appears on a shell from the sea, which is being pushed towards the shore by the flying wind god. She is surrounded by beautiful roses, and the colors of these roses are really bright. When she was about to land, one hour handed her a purple cloak. The waterfall behind includes the sea and forest. The overall effect of this painting is almost overwhelming, with colors and aesthetics that can shine in front of people from all angles.

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