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Internal Clocks Or School Schedules?

Schools today give a lot of homework and stress to many students, especially when they are in the middle to high school stage, where they are teenagers. What this causes is that these teenagers, as students with a lot of homework, sometimes end up sleeping late in the night, and still have to wake up early in the morning to go to school. This means that they sometimes get a little less time for sleep each time they wake up. This is also a problem for some adults, but sometimes it is less of a big deal because the teenagers require more sleep than the adults. This is the internal clocks of teenagers. This means that just from their biological features they have, their body tells them when to sleep and when to wake up, and lots of times this isn’t what their school schedules seem to want them to do. For example, the teenagers’ parents may want them to go to sleep earlier, but their internal clock is not doing that, and school starts earlier than the teenager’s bodies are wanting to. So are the teenager’s internal clocks more important or are their school schedules superior? From many aspects we can see that teenagers’ internal clocks are of much more importance than what their schools want.

Sleep ensures well being and the healthiness of the students. This means that on one aspect of sleep, it actually improves their physical state. Everyone needs a good amount of sleep to be healthy, but that is especially true for teenagers and adolescents. They need their daily eight to ten hours of sleep to be able to grow taller, become stronger, and in general, mature into adults. If they don’t sleep as much, they don’t give their bodies enough time to grow and rest. Even if we don’t talk about the addition of the physical aspects of sleeping, we could simply recognize that plenty of sleeping is needed for the basic health for a person to sustain life. This is exactly why even if they don’t care about growing taller, having the growth boost, or whatever they have on their minds, they can still keep in mind that maintaining a good eight to ten hours, or at the very least eight, is very important for maintaining their health in general. Thus, if an average teenager can sleep for eight to ten hours a day, they can maintain basic health plus some additional bonuses like growing taller.

School performance is also another big aspect that sleep affects for a teenager. This is especially important because many students worry about grades, and things like that, but they could think about the fact that if they sleep a bit more, they can do better in school. Why is this? This is because sleeping actually gives our body time to rest, so if our bodies have more time to rest, then they have more time to process all the things that the teenager learned in school. This could have a big positive impact on that student’s school, and their grades. This means that for the students who care about their grades, sleep is also a great solution that they should not look over. In fact, besides studying specifically for one subject, it is actually one of the best ways to improve our at school performances of how we do in school. In many experiments, researchers found that sleep is extremely effective when it comes to upgrading what we do in school. Therefore, sleep could improve school performance as well as managing the health of the students, or the teenagers.

Beyond even physical health and school performance, like grades, sleeping also helps our mind rest, which would be particularly helpful in school as well. What this means is that when our mind rests, it regains energy it needs for work. This is especially helpful when we are trying to accomplish a task quickly or be very efficient. After we rest like this, our efficiency when we are doing work goes much higher than it would before we sleep. This is important because it makes us do things faster, which will be very good for us when we have a lot of school homework. Besides benefiting school homework, it also benefits many other things like having a clearer mind. This could come in use when we are doing other things besides school homework, as well as when we are making important decisions. Having a clearer mind would mean we have a stronger reasoning, plus many other buffs.

Nowadays, teenagers have a lot of stress and pressure put onto them. This is often an excuse for sleeping less time than what is good for the teenagers. A good sleeping routine means that the teenager is sleeping eight to ten hours each night. School is important, and it is very important to study well in it, so we can go to college, and many more. But, whatever short term homework we have, we cannot exclude enough sleep time in our schedules. This is because sleep provides the most basic health for these teenagers, as well as other add ons such as growth in height and mind, which actually makes school performance better. Something else to remember is that sleep helps the mind rest. When the mind rests, it can gather energy for more work, and after resting we would be much faster at doing many things and have a clearer mind. Even after all this, we need to keep in mind that school is still important, not saying that it is not, but sleep is essential for all these things.

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