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Importance of Perseverance

Our parents and teachers always tell us to “never give up”, or to “keep on trying”, or even sometimes “winners never quit”. But why? The quality of never giving up is perseverance, but why is it so important that we keep on going? Well, first of all, persevering helps us be more productive, which allows us to get more done. Second of all, it makes us feel more accomplished with ourselves, and third of all, it makes us successful, so we can achieve our life-long goals and be proud of ourselves. Those are what make perseverance crucial in life.

Persevering is good for us because it makes us more productive and helps us plan our time. Studies show that combining perseverance with a small amount of passion leads to higher work-related and academic performance. These very reliable studies show that perseverance leads to increased productivity. And this productivity allows us to do many more things and allows us to contribute to our community. With increased productivity and thus more spare time, we could try to help solve some problems in our community. Or we could just simply have some fun, by playing a fun game or getting a tasty snack. It can even improve your mental and physical health, because we have less stress because all of our work is already done, instead of procrastinating. Perseverance is helpful because it makes us more productive by letting us get things done more often.

Perseverance is important because it makes us satisfied with ourselves and feel that we have more control over our life. It makes life more enjoyable. According to studies, perseverance can give us a sense of control because we keep on trying even when we could stop and allows us to succeed more often because you keep on trying and focus mainly on one thing, and control and success make people happy and satisfied with themselves. It lets them believe in themselves after failing a lot, but eventually accomplishing their goal. It even improves our immune system, lets us sleep better, makes us live longer, and makes us healthier. By improving our immune system, the chances for any type of disease such as heart disease or cancer. These are all boons that can stem from perseverance.

Perseverance is an essential quality for us to be successful in life. It allows us to make progress when things are hard. Many notable people have spent a long time failing, but they eventually succeeded after a while, such as Harland Davis Sanders, who had to send his now world famous fried chicken recipe to over 1000 restaurants before finding someone who would buy, and then he eventually made Kentucky Fried Chicken, sometimes better known as KFC, the second largest, world renowned restaurant chain. Another famous person who kept on going is Bill Gates: he started off just trying to make good software and machines, and he eventually built that small shop into Microsoft, the software empire now worth trillions. He made that progress because he persevered, even when his goal seemed impossible to reach. Perseverance is a crucial trait that will allow you to succeed throughout life.

The importance of perseverance lies in the fact that it makes us more productive, it makes us more satisfied with ourselves, and it makes us successful. These already great benefits can lead to even more benefits. All these gifts can stem from perseverance such as the benefits of how we may be healthier, how we may be more resourceful and how we may be more confident, and these gifts will help us for the rest of our lives, and that is why when people say “never give up!” they are right.

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